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Everything posted by charleskerins

  1. I didn't say thats not how we do it at home (but it is) there will be 18 piers (holes seem large maybe they are going to pour a pad as you stated ) My concern is the poured concrete floor between the horizontal columns no vapor barrier no soil compaction no stone
  2. Just lost my entire response because internet went out and I am a slow typer . First thanks for your response #1 i would put a couple inches of stone before pier is poured #2 understood just not used to seeing them . #3 in US before pouring concrete on inside floor we would run a plate tamper(vibrating) to compact the soil cover area with plastic ,then wire mesh ,then 3/4 stone minimum 4 inches then 3500 psi concrete the architect has that as one of the options on the plan but both he and the builder said it wasn't necessary because we are "up high" couldn't figure it out now maybe i have do they think the plastic is for outside water protection??? poker vibrator great idea thanks feedback is welcomed
  3. Please what? All what time? forget about it.
  4. 1 year retirement after reading the responses will leave Thailand by the 19th thanks
  5. Visa expires on 9/19/24 what are the ramifications if I overstay one week? thanks
  6. Definitely get the shingles one.I got the three shot rabies after being slightly bitten.
  7. Accompanied a friend to meet builder and architect to go over build plans. A little confused as to Thai building methods maybe members can help out. *Piers there are 18 piers I asked the guy if they were going to put crushed stone underneath the concrete to draw moisture he looked at me strangely and said yes. * girders -wth are these horizontal poured concrete ?? * so then i asked if they were going to put plastic down and crushed stone over floor before pouring concrete "no they don't do that in Thailand upon further questioning it was an option on the plan but too expensive? * I showed them a video of a plate tamper asked them if they were going to use it -no it's up high so don't need to use it? If anyone can decipher any of this feel free to give it a go Thanks
  8. that's what they do on here probably why they are in Thailand rejected at home.
  9. "OMG are you an adult with a passport" 555
  10. You gotta lotta likes for your callous post ,how exactly is it her fault?
  11. May I inquire as to what medicine the doctor prescribed?
  12. They do a good job? They abandon them to the grandparents
  13. Donnie "I refuse to answer any questions directly"
  14. Not your bro have no desire to be .
  15. We don't need the help of old bitter Fascists.
  16. orange blabbermouth is the one with the yes men - must kiss his fat $$$ to be around him.
  17. He would run circles around you on your bicycle.
  18. Hmm Biden's nickname isn't Von<deleted>tenzepants Nor is it diaper donnie Maybe you should fit some of you post with facts. Sad that people need to make things up and try to ridicule a person but that aligns with your worship of the orange one. Ageism/Misogyny /Bigotry aren't attributes they are serious flaws in a person's character once again goes along with a candidate that made fun of a disabled person ,wanted the Central Park 5 executed ,grabs women by the pu##y and brags about it and wanted the most qualified person to ever run for the Presidency "locked up" What is with insecure men?
  19. "one guy can stay awake " So you are supporting Biden now or did you fall asleep with drumpf during the trial ? 555 Do you read what you post? confused ?day drinker?
  20. Morals ? ha yeah The Republican Party is well know for it's morality look at their leader .
  21. He is a joke and a traitor. You aren't American. He met Kim Jong -yeah they laughed at him and fired a missile after he left. Syria is in the middle east.
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