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Everything posted by BritScot

  1. Crazy! Nothing surprises me how thick people are. It is a death sentence going into these clongs and to do it over a toy gun. The bacteria and diseases in those waters will and do kill. Unbelievable.
  2. I loved this place back in early 2000's. It was a paradise of sand roads pubs and restaurants. Oh my rose colour glasses just had a reminder. First day I arrived on the island there was a murder assassination on the pier Thai on Thai over pricing.
  3. It's a diving resort island!!! That used to be really safe with the number one killer on land being falling coconuts and skin diving ie shallow water drowning. That all changed!
  4. It is a very hard subject because if the use of elephants were to end they would all require to be culled and owners compensated. It makes me so angry when ill-informed people spout vertu signalling rubbish not realising the consequences. We had a similar some years ago in the UK when fox hunting was abolished. Fox is vermin and not a cuddly puppet. Fox hunting only removed the weak and infirm so all this action did was have thousands of hunting hounds put to sleep and also horses. Rural economy suffered as did the foxes which them had to be shot gassed etc and not all gamekeepes are marksmen.
  5. I hope you hand 50% to wild life conservation?!? Because if working elephants and even tourist elephant then there would be an almighty cull or starvation of these majestic animals. Your support for the abolishment of big game hunting and ending all domestication of animals is noble but keep your money flowing. Maybe increase your donation to 75%.
  6. Aren't British Passports done in Hong Kong (I know they used to be). Years ago "11 years". I went to the embassy in Bkk to have my daughter birth registered as British. The embassy told me all the documentation were correct. However, when sent for processing in Hong Kong someone decided I also needed my parents marriage certificate and birth certificates. I was so angry.
  7. Because the police in the uk are far to busy monitoring upsetting tweets ie Non Crimes to bother about real crime like theft, burglary, car theft, assault, rape...... Say a bad word and 15 police cars rush to the scene....
  8. Strange: many, many times seeing people riding dirt bikes and quads also blokart's down on my local beach in the UK. Its a great place for youngsters to learn to ride motorbikes and actually nice to watch.
  9. Looking forward to reading about a stupid foreigner having seven bails kicked out of him and reading the coments on here about how he deserved it and must have said something!!!
  10. You do live in Thailand? The word "Maintenance" and Thailand are never found in the same sentence unless the works "Lack Of" are also in said sentence.
  11. China works by lending normally on assets with bribery then calling in the loans and taking the assets. This is more like subs look the other way and buy ships thank you.
  12. I think you could have a point and I too would have been very angry with my wife being tarred with the same brush as a working girl. I hope the police get to see all the recording and not the selected clip. Note a man should never raise his hand on a woman unless that woman stops behaving like a women and recieves a verbal warning.
  13. Why? Climbing a spiked fence at any time is dangerous, infact any fence. We had a young soldier have a freak accident Climbing over a fence. His weapon slipped as he jumped and ouch! Serious injury. Made one's eyes water. He was never made fun of because I think everyone new it could easily have been them. Accidents happen. Poor bloke, I imagine drink played little in this accident as I imagine he would have climbed it anyway as he could not get into his home.
  14. Quick arest the Canadian for having cash! If he were not in Thailand the poor Land of Smile Thai would have been content making merit feeding soi dogs..... sarcasm....
  15. One thing I have realised over the past few years is how stupid people are. Accepting lockdowns and in the uk publicly telling people they were using Phyops against their own people a fact that still disgusts me (being ex army). Then watch people sleep walking into digital currency with the power banks and governments already welding. I tokenly carry an oz silver coin in my pocket to remind myself its real value and not made up. Everyone should read about the Bradbury pound (it scared the hell out of the Bank of England because it had real value).
  16. Better giving poor people a 10,000 baht wallet to spend in the Thai economy rather that giving money to China for equipment that never arrives and is not what they say they are selling you. It's utter madness. Maybe buy a blimps or some more explosive detectors with flashy lights..... Let me see: wasn't there a scandal about buses from China? Did that ever get resolved and at what cost to thailand?
  17. I first arrived in 2002, but unlike yourself I ballaced long stays or 3 months to a year then several years each break going back home to fill my bank account. Noticing the changes struck home with each return. Infact watching the country regress rather than progress. Listening to expats sing the praise of coups only to wake up to persecution, changing visa requirements. I gave up after 8 years living in Thailand and building a house in 2019 and now only visiting for holidays and that would be a never return if not for family. Who in their right mind deposits £10,000 ~ £20,000 of their money in a foreign bank being told they can only spend 1/2 but must put in back in almost immediately. Never!!!@
  18. Why there are already casino's in Bkk and quite possibly other provinces. I'm not talking about the mom and pop types but real gaming floors. Those are the ones run by ............ brown and green etc.
  19. You got that right. Now in the UK arrested for "Non Crime". Yes its real. My sister disabled 60+ sister got a non crime for telling a crossing lady who was having a melt down in front of her car "Go back to your own country!" Police banging on her door at 11 o'clock at night.
  20. If you want to go down the traditional road then there are several criteria that should be taken into account traditionally! First dowrie or Sinsod is only paid for a virgin (that is the Thai tradition). The level of dowry depends on education and future earnings that the parents would recieve from their daughter. They invest money in education etc and that is hopefully their retierment investment. I should have paid a dowry but never did as there had already been her big sister's wedding and my wife's father said it would be greedy to have another wedding so soon. My sister in law husband paid a dowry with cash and gold but after the wedding they were given it back along with all the gift money and it was enough for them to buy a house. You have good and bad families in Thailand and a warning sign for any man is how your fiancées family react to the proposed wedding because that is how they will treat you afterwords.. If they see you as a cash cow that is how you will be treated.
  21. You really need to read the history of this area. Start with the bible moving forward to the last 100 years. Palestine was a Christian country and it was beautiful with beach front hotels and a paradise for holiday makers. Then they starred to take in religious people and as the persentage increased and as directed their 3 books to the letter until jihad started. Israel is attached by rockets every day plus the constant terrorist attacks. Then there are several ceasefire where Israel gave concession only for the ceasefire to be immediately broken. There are many Muslims living and working in Israel but there are no Jew's living in Palestine. Don't fall for propaganda of terrorists and never forget terrorists have no problem killing their own people to blame Israel.
  22. Looks like a Rebel 300cc so new the price is about 300k. Wife has a Rebel 500cc nice little twin.
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