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Everything posted by BritScot

  1. People on here need to take a long hard look in the mirror. It's quite disgusting. He had his wallet stollen, he made a police report. Missed flight for 3,000baht. OMG. He was leaving the country......
  2. Very well said. Reported one sided story that sounds bizzare. The Brit said self defence. Also possible: Thai Bolt tried to rip the Brit off who new how much the ride costs. The Brit says "Stop"! Gets out gives 100baht and gets a motorbike taxi. Bolt follows then attacks Brit. If Bolt guy new address and all was above board could have gone to the police.
  3. If your embassy is correct then every expat is going to get a massive tax bill and its very simple because minimum 400,000baht ~ 800,000baht has to be brought in to Thailand for a retierment visa every year. The Thai government is not your friend. They want every satang they can squeeze out of you. Only when thousands of expats leave will it become another misunderstanding.
  4. Wow, such an expert. I never new that pedophiles look differently in other countries. He just looks like an ordinary bloke. I wouldn't post your photo and avoid mirrors.
  5. Very strange comment coming from someone called scubascuba! As you should know snorkeling is very, very dangerous once you hold your breath and dive below the surface. Due to pressure the growing co2 level in your blood is compressed. On returning to the surface the co2 level expands due to lack of pressure. When you get near the surface the level of co2 in your blood expands so much that you can simply pass out. When you pass out you start to breath and still being under the surface, you drown. This is taught or should be taught on a Dive master or Dive instructors course (I can't remember which one). Padi master scuba diving instructor or maybe I know nothing. Do you not wonder why this keeps on happening.
  6. I remember on Kow Taow you could buy magic mushroom shakes and weed in a little bar/shack right across from the police station.
  7. Bizzare! You did read that he didn't have a licence? The poin that's being made is the inconsistencies between Thai and foreign. A Thai might have been fined 500 and at a push 1000baht fine and a Wia!
  8. Thailand needs to employ some Huti/Somalia pirates, then the land bridge might even become a canal as well... lol.
  9. Aren't new and second hand EV sales dropping like a stone? Aren't major manufacturers stopping manufacturing EV's? Not really a good investment unless the Thai government is going to subsidise the hell out of them which is not going to happen.
  10. Then go on safari nd donate money for their protection. Unbelievable. People can't even keep dog's safely without them killing innocent members of the public. What could go wrong and lady, your moral compass is way off.
  11. This is so unusual so these lads should be commended. I remember a poor girl in our village had aids (mother passed it on to her) and was very ill. I was asked if I would take her to hospital as she was dying. They were going to put her in the back f my pickup! I obviously said no. She sat inside my pickup.
  12. Then the tanks roll in and the generals run the country further into the ground.
  13. Weren't the shares in a company that had stopped trading ie a folded company well before he became an mp?
  14. They can't even keep their boats and ships on the water..... No thank you.
  15. Well a little photo op doing something that could have been done in a nice aircon office. Why not add a canal and 2 International airports and make the rail link high speed, Oh and a space rocket lanch pad on the gulf side and a space rocket landing pad on the Andaman sea side and a cycle lane..... lol crazy..
  16. And when will they start protesting about the generals walking free after the greatest crime of all "the theft of a country at the end of a gun" because there is no greater crime.
  17. I've not smoked in 40 years and still disagree with the smoking ban in pubs but then again I do like the smell of the green leaf, and the smell of a 2 stroke motorbike engine.....
  18. Again I said cold weather. Then great for you and your blood battery car. Please don't crow. Why would I take photos of broken down EVs? 1st if you do something stupid like that in the UK you rightly loss 3 points on your licence. There is no reasoning with ev zealots as they sit in their own little echo Chambers attacking anyone who dares to say they are dangerous, ruinous of the environment and use child slave labour at the end of a gun to mine your precious minerals.... I personally would never let any of my family travel in one. But, you crack on...... try doing your own research...
  19. I said cold weather. However, hot weather also effects battery range due to the use of aircon and batteries also have an optimal operating tempreture. Do your own research or go back to school. It is the same with solar panels where to much sun and they degrade their output dramatically then you have wind turbines that only work in perfect wind speeds and need a diesel generator everytime they are started (kill birds also, try looking at the base of a wind turbine). Do your own research.....
  20. Lol: and on other advertising for EV cars... News from Canada, America, Europe an the uk. Not only ev batteries but charging stations are affected by cold weather -0°. Also, hot weather mixed with traffic jam's and I witnessed that one myself all along the hard sholder of the motorway. Ev, after Ev...
  21. I have a heat pump and believe me they are rubbish and i hate it but love my house. If you live in a country with tempretures less than 7° forget it. I'm paying £120 a week for electric during winter and when below 1° the tempreture can't get above 19° in my house (I know this because i have a smart meter and a thamometer next to my chair). My house is only 11 years old so we'll insulated. Plus, last year I had no heating for 3 months due to unskilled engineers and lack of parts available (it was a cold Christmas) lucky I have alternative heating like oil radiators, paraffin heater and calor gas. I live in Scotland. Run a mile from heatpumps.....
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