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Everything posted by Jackbenimble

  1. are you implying that the officers sent to investigate possible corruption are themselves dealing in corruption????? OMG no!
  2. you can't just stay here on 30 day visas, they're not intended to be used for that purpose (even though they have been by many over the years). If IO thinks that IS what you're doing then of course he/she can refuse to stamp you again and insist that you secure the correct visa for your intended stay in The Kingdom. it's discretionary anyway and they dont need to explain why they wont let you back in - you already know though so you also already know that you're taking the mickey.
  3. His mental "problem" is that he is as dumb as dumb can be. He genuinely needs a thump and a fat lip. POS.
  4. do you seriously think Thailand pre 2005 is the same place then as it is in 2023? His war on drugs was a good thing as the country at the time had been run by mafia stooges. He took the mafia out of the equation. Say what you want about it now, almost 20 years on, but it was effective and it was necessary. He wrestled power back from them and restored it to Government. Maybe this was before your time?
  5. what utter hogwash..........the Russia conspiracy theorists never go away and are never sated. Open your eyes, god gave us common sense for a reason.
  6. you dont watch the news? I'm not here to educate you or anyone else.
  7. i think you'll find he was the one who coined the phrase "fake news" and was pilloried as expected by the people he accused of spreading it. Then he won the elction anyway against all the odds and all the so-called predictive polls. Because he was exposing and fighting corruption in government. Lets face it, backing Billary really blew up in their faces as is backing Biden now. Trump needs to get back in and finish what he started.
  8. using an agent eases the pain - there are some good ones.
  9. you talked to some folks around there.................and correlated that to 9 out of 10 Canadians? Wow.
  10. would they be the same polls that had crooked Hillary winning by a landslide?
  11. were you off sick the day they taught your class how to read?
  12. your source of information seems to be the internet or mere drunken hearsay at the bar. You should do your own actual research and you'll discover what he did. You wont know but he spent more on "the nation" than all four of the previous PM's combined. New roads, new schools, new hospitals, community centres, Suvannabhumi and many other projects. He signed the MOU with Myanmar, Laos & Cambodia lifting domestic workers officially into the work arena for the first time in history affording them rights under the Thai Labour Law and giving them legal recourse. Other nations enjoyed good relations with him and enjoyed doing business with Thailand. Just some of the reasons why the economy was good when he was at the helm. He IS the solution..........plans are afoot to make it happen.
  13. seeing as both were found guilty in their absence they would be legally entitled to request a new hearing should they return. The reason they left was the almost certainty that the trial they would have attended had already made it's decision even before the trial had begun. THAT might not be the case should it go to trial again as their is considerable anti-Prayut sentiment within the Kingdom. Many believe Thaksin is the only person who can restore Thailands economy and standing in the world & personally I would agree with them.
  14. If you have to tell people that you're clever you're obviously not.
  15. Maybe because foreigners - especially when drunk - tell whooping big lies! Especially when they know they f***ed up.
  16. empty beaches? are you assuming that there are sooo many holiday makers that break the law that the beaches would become deserted if they implemented this?
  17. a fair trial? I think this refers to minor offences, not Criminal Offences........so there wouldn't be a trial. Even if it is a money grab 9which it looks like it is) it might actually have a positive effect if it works.
  18. why are you looking for loopholes in something that probably doesn't even apply to you or affect you? it is aimed at those foreigners who are a pain in the ass and dont respect the law or the culture of the country they are in. Most foreigners who live here get this, and most are tired of drunken idiots fighting and driving around as if there are no laws. There ARE and if you break them you should expect there to be some punishment to be meted out.
  19. if you are a foreigner you are granted a visa on condition that you comply with the Law Of Thailand. It even says so on your visa. So why people think its ok to break the law and not be punished astounds me. Thais are not targeted because this is their country and Thai law applies to them. They can't be deported if they break the law. Enforcement of Thai law (or the lack of it) is another discussion entirely.
  20. Its actually a good idea and the traffic light system is a system that many countries adopt for use in different situations. It isn't only applicable to football. During Covid many governments introduced the traffic light system for tracking arrivals through the regulations that were in place. If you break the law or think it's ok to just be a pain in the ass and get drunk, throw up, verbally abuse others, etc.............then expect some form of punishment. This is real life not a comuter game and there are consequences for bad behaviour. Nothing to do with race, so drop the race card too. It's boring.
  21. If you don't live in Phuket it wont affect you. If you do it will. Simple really.
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