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Everything posted by Jackbenimble

  1. .........or smother their face in tattoos. I got the impression from reading this and from the way it read & from what she said that a) she was his estranged g/f anyway b) she is looking for an angle to get some compo (yes, cynical I know but sadly people these days are always looking for compo/easy money)
  2. it is worded to imply it was in his wallet. Not just "in his room". Unclear though yes.
  3. you think it only records if someone is watching?
  4. they don't need to show the footage to the public.
  5. I see.............lol. What was he doing walking around with 5k USD in his pocket? Seems odd.
  6. it was being recorded or did u miss that bit of info? Your version of what is normal safety procedure is based on what exactly? One of your netflix police series perhaps? Your type jump all over these "opportunities" to have a pop at RTP yet fully expect their unwavering help when it suits you and you need them. This idiot was causing mayhem and they rightly detained him. He was probably under the influence of something. This incident is tragic but it could have been avoided completely if he hadn't been behaving like a w____r in the first place. Actions have consequences in real life.
  7. In my experience they exhibit huge amounts of self-control - heaps more than most drunken foreigners (and by most I mean 95% of drunk foreigners). In our own countries it is a very testing job, for Thais to restrain themselves as much as they do in the face of such provocation is commendable. I suspect you have never been door security anywhere?
  8. so he's now not only the aggrieved but also the misquoted and a paragon of virtue to boot? The time of the incident is on the original CCTV footage anyway..........maybe he hasn't sobered up yet (or is now looking for another fight with the journalist) He doesn't appear to be any the wiser from his ordeal anyway.
  9. we keep a place just off Sukhumvit near Udom Suk (a townhouse) and electric used to be around 3-4k/month, this month it doubled........8k thb!! Our place in BangNa is unchanged though?
  10. still out drinking at 4am, picking fights with the dj, swinging at security staff and yet HE is the one making a complaint? What an ignorant oaf.
  11. I sympathise with you. It doesn't sound like you knew him particulalrly well though or you'd have known about his fondness of the amber nectar and his oafish behaviour when under the influence. Unless this didn't really happen and the post is just an excuse to Brit bash?
  12. her card was was acquired by illegal means..........if someone with a Yellow Tabien has acquired it by the same means then they probably already know that one day there might be a knock on the door.
  13. where is the con in doing someones laundry for them?
  14. on the upside - the RTP have acquired a successful well-established business for free. ^_^
  15. people can't just do what they want to though can they - chaos would reign if that was the case. There are Laws to prevent this type of thing in public.........the same laws all you farangs scream for when overweight, elderly Russians wander around in speedos in shops. Its okay though if its a young, slim Thai girl. Hypocrite.
  16. You need to change your source - this is nolonger the case and hasn't been the case for a long time. Tai Yai isn't a state so when a TaiYai is born if they want an ID card they choose to be either Thai or Burmese and make the necessary application. As it is an area right next to both borders the residents are both Thai and Burmese. Some never bother to get an ID card but most do these days.
  17. It depends on your reason for buying one - if you're buying to impress others then NO it isn't worth it coz the novelty wears off very quickly. If you're buying it cause you like BMW's then why not......if you have the finances. BMW's lose value rapidly once they are pre-owned so beware. I've owned 3 over the years and I can assure you that initial buzz from owning one doesn't last long.
  18. They're doing what they always do and what their predecessors did before them. That is how it works here...........change it at your peril. It keeps the country ticking.
  19. its only difficult if you dont know what you're doing........like most things in life when you do them for the first time. With informed guidance it would be a genuine alternative from a financial perspective.
  20. he's not a Brit............lets not allow that to get in the way of a good story though eh?
  21. you seem to know a lot about underage working girls
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