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  1. Obviously, the cellmate next to Ferrari was a woman in drag, maybe on male hormones and possibly body parts removed. The very highly esteemed Justice Minister, per the majority of the Thai people, was confused because most people are confused by this trans ideology. The Justice Minister did not approve of the debauchery of the decision to allow same sex people to marry in Thailand or of the governments decision to celebrate "Pride." I find it interesting that many poster think they are "holier than thou."
  2. Is is possible the Democrats have melted down and trying to do everything possible to stay relevant?
  3. Not long ago Gene Hackman, while being interviewed stated something truly important about our leader. He initially described how he met the current president of the United States: Well I have met Donald Trump back in the 80's, he was a guest at my party in New York." "We discussed and he really seemed like a decent guy, in fact i liked him." He also added that when he heard Donald Trump is going to be the Republican candidate for the election he was truly shocked. I didn't believe it, but in fact I was happy because I knew that a successful businessman could get on the top of our nation." Hackman also went ahead and stated something truly amazing in regards to Trump's one year as president of the United States: "So what do i think about Trump now? It is possible he could turn out to the be one the best presidents that America has ever seen." "His initial year is fascinating he made numerous of positive changes. Just keep on doing the same, Mr. President!"
  4. At the last meeting with Trump, Zelensky played his best hand but lost to the President that wrote "The Art of the Deal." Now Zelensky will come to this meeting allot meeker than before. Zelensky has allot to lose and the man is humbled by a superior player.
  5. No concern from me, actually I am glad he is firing the Biden appointed Justice Department prosecutors as old Biden weaponized the Justice Department and the FBI.
  6. I think the reason is that many Thai students already know the answer and there is no need to ask questions. In American, many students are too busy protesting Israels response to the Hamas terrorists invading its country and taking hostages and therefore they miss class and their studies.
  7. Actually this is great news. Many of the jobs created under left wing sleepy Joe were government jobs that no relevance to any productivity or help to the citizens. Now that DOGE is discovering the billions of dollars wasted by the Democrats on left wing projects, many of these projects are being canceled along with the employees. Much of the huge increase in inflation under old sleepy Joe was due to government waste under Biden. Now that Trump is cleaning up the mess that Biden created, many of these jobs will be eliminated and inflation will come down. This is a huge win for the American tax payers.
  8. The left wing socialist labour party wants these private schools to fail because they do not adhere to the left wing ideology taught in the government schools.
  9. Even the Chinese realize that Trump is making America great again.
  10. The left wing Democrats are delusional in thinking that drugs, surgery and a little makeup can change the biological sex of an individual. Its as though they do not want to accept the scientific, biological creation and development of man. And their perverted, debauched ideology concerning a biological man is causing much damage and degradation to women and their sports.
  11. The Land Department of Thailand is the most corrupt agency in Thailand according to the Department of Special Investigations (DSI.) The Land Department of Thailand is governed by the Ministry of the Interior.
  12. The same goes for funding NATO or its defense spending.
  13. Something to look forward to in the future.
  14. Hey Bob, I think I saw you riding around on your "Harley" the other day:
  15. And this is one of the reasons that Trump won the election with an overwhelming mandate. The patriot American people want a stop to the left wing socialist, globalist Democratic support of the terrorists.
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