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Everything posted by Barnet1900

  1. I'm British and there are always the minority that make us look bad, worldwide, not just here. However, can you enlighten us as to how you know, just by looking at them, that they're 'undereducated?' From the black and white I'm reading from it sounds somewhat ignorant and judgemental no?
  2. Thank you. Makes perfect sense. As sad as it is to accept. I think you're right when you say that we can't stop the increase in temperature. I just wonder that should a time come where we are faced with day after day of going to shopping malls and such, just to stay cool, if a large volume of tourists and expats call it a day here. Nearly everyone I speak to stays in during the daytime to avoid the blistering heat. It's only my humble opinion but I do believe that eventually nature will dramatically change the way we live.
  3. The only certainty is that it the truth won't be announced. I've had 2 incidents lately where, although the police weren't involved, it could have gone that way. One was my fault entirely and I took all the overreacting on the chin, paid out what they were after and on we went. The other was entirely the opposite and they should have apologized and made good yet continued to lie and shout and behave like children. The longer it went in the worse it became. In this case I also kept quiet and walked away despite being completely innocent in the fracas. When faced with losing face the locals will stop at nothing to protect their pride. Accepting responsibility just isn't on the cards here. The only ambition you should have is to get away as fast as possible before more get involved and more conflict ensues.
  4. Great post. I would never have thought COVID would be seen in my lifetime but it did. I can honestly see this heat destroying the Thai economy within 10 years. With this heat nobody goes out, work stalls and people will look at other areas to travel to. Unless Thailand takes this seriously they'll be facing an exodus which will be irreparable. This, and last summer have been dreadful.
  5. A baby...what's the world come to? I don't believe in God and I remember having a debate with a believer shortly after the Dunblane massacre regarding how people believe in God when this sort of thing happens. Her response was that there is evil present within the human race that cannot be explained no matter what your faith is. In this such instance, she's right. There is no possible explanation for a person to pour acid over a baby. The perpetrators need to be erased off the face of the earth and their ashes literally binned.
  6. The woman should be put away for a long time, if she's guilty. The girls should get counselling and help from a foreign agency. The families of some of the girls will be involved. Make no doubts, they see the money and all else is forgotten. Not all, but certainly some are aware of what the transactions are all about. Reality check...she pays a fine, the girls stay put or relocate to another brothel. The families get their monthly bank transfer. Thailand....
  7. That's the sort of news that needs opening up on social media. The world needs to see them for what they are before venturing out here. Try playing that one down in the global media. What an absolute disgrace. Accept 3k, we'll take a cut and let a nonce back out to try again. Anyone with an ounce of knowledge knows that these scumbags start by chance and work their way up. What a shower of ..... These so-called law enforcers are.
  8. They are mentally challenged. You've concluded the investigation. Good stuff.
  9. I don't watch the news and have no idea what's happening. Suits me just fine because these disputes have been going on since time begun. I don't want to know how hot it will be next week or the rising price of fuel because I can't do a thing about it and have no option but to accept it. I don't listen to sceptical bs unless there are facts and evidence in front of me. Call it ignorance but ignorance is bliss. Say what you like about Thai attitudes to world affairs...all I know is that I've not met one who doesn't sleep well. I wouldn't give it any thought. Carry on as you are and remember, if you have options you have a good life.
  10. I used to get told all sorts of things about any Thai - westerner relationships. Due to my naivety at the time I used to take it all in. Then I got involved in a relationship (28 year old not 16) and the same crap started getting stirred up about us. I'm not reflecting this on this situation but it seems a hell of a lot of gossip is spiteful, pathetic and utterly unfounded. Pure jealousy. As the old saying goes, there's always another side to the story. Call it cynicism, negativity, I really couldn't give a monkey's, I simply don't take in what either party says when it comes to a relationship breakdown. Today's news is tomorrow's fish n chip wrapping.
  11. May I ask, is this a case of facts or is it something that the locals are talking about? I'm not defending either party but it could well have a completely different set of arguments. From his pov. Did he know she was 16? How did he get to meet a 16 year old online when the dating aps ask that you consent to being 18? Why would he pay that much cash just for sex? Maybe he genuinely loved her and soon found out that after his cash was taken the goalposts changed. Could be that he's the one being deceived. Could being the all-important word. From her POV, was she forced into it by the family? Did she think she'd meet the perfect, kind foreign hero only to find out he was the same as any man? I think the whole story needs solid facts before people can truly judge. If however, he knew she was 16, was willing to pay that sort of cash and was actively looking for girls that age online, it suggests he's a predator of some sort. If however, she deliberately sought a foreigner to pay up for her family and made him all sorts of promises then it's not beyond the realms of possibility that this naive chap has been snared. These stories of farangs being tricked and ripped off go right back to the history of Thai-westerner relationships. Sounds like something Stickman would getting to the bottom of.
  12. No reason. Correction. No reason to revel. Cheers
  13. Got it. I thought it was a poor farmer Vs rich expat comparison. I don't agree with him or anybody polluting a neighbourhood but yes, there is reason to revel in the passing away of anybody in this manner.
  14. Can you explain your first statement? Forget the rest of it because upon opening a comment like this the first thing that jumps out is your condescending and patronising tone. I expressed an opinion and respectfully and I always imagined you to be one of the posters who doesn't revert to behaving in this way. Opinion changed 100pc.
  15. The points you make are effective within themselves but I fail to understand why you keep treating this as a poor farmer burning his fields against the expat. He didn't deserve death and his daughter will suffer that day until she dies. However, this isn't about a poor man and the expats. His actions are akin to living next door to a neighbour from hell. How do you think other farmers and the locals felt about being surrounded in his smog each time he decided to have a burn up? This guy could be a saint for all I know but if the entire planet takes the same attitude that small potions of pollution don't compare to others then we're all in the proverbial muck. He didn't deserve this death however it shouldn't be excused, blamed on the government or given any form of excuse. I'm of an age where all my rubbish used to go into one bin and you could smoke in public. I can fly tip all my rubbish if I feel like it, save a lot of time and I won't have to pay for different bins. I can smoke in public and just ignore people's complaints. However, like many people I put up with it because it's beneficial to my own and other people's lives.
  16. You have to relate it to the price of living. Everything in Thailand must be multiplied by 2.5 to find the equivalent cost in the UK. Therefore, what you quote above actually means it's cheaper to fill up in England. I am unsure how they work it all out but I'm guessing they factor in salaries. The average working class Thai is on about 15-20k per month, so a tank if petrol works out around 10 per cent if their monthly salary.
  17. Best post of the year. They wrap single biscuits in plastic. They sell LAYS 5bt crisps in plastic and have about 10 crisps in them. They were told to charge for bags but they didn't bother. All the rubbish on the beach is from farangs. Thais don't litter. Try looking at a local beauty spot after a Thai public holiday. Spotless. If you're Stevie Wonder or a Thai politician. Like everything that threatens the world. It won't happen in Thailand and if it does they'll beg to the west to get them out of it. Never a chance of cleaning up if they really on Somchai public.
  18. I used to smoke solid from 16 to 26. The only damage it did was keep me indoors. I used to get stoned and sleep. Not great which is why I quit. When I stopped I started drinking, smoking fags and doing the things drinkers do best. Get aggressive, wake up hanging and spend the day in a bad mood. In an ideal world we'd all hit the yoga mats and be passive people but in reality humans need a poison of some description and weed does not have anywhere near the levels of health or public damage that alcohol and cigs pose. My point is, that if you're banning weed for health and social reasons you can't let alcohol and nicotine continue. I'm 100pc in agreement with how you describe the way it's exploded onto the streets. They've been given a chance and there are idiots all over Thailand who are exploiting the opportunity. I've bought my stuff from 5 different suppliers and only 1 has delivered quality. I'd like to see it decriminalised for use at home, and the growers regulated with licences and inspections to ensure it squashes the opportunist scum that are making money from selling crap.
  19. It seems you can't express an opinion without being tarnished these days. If people want to protest to get their way they should grow up and accept it isn't to everyone's taste. I've no issue with people marrying elephants if they're happy but just shut up about it and don't try to force others to accept it. If 2 consenting adults want to get married good luck to them. In my opinion marriage will be a thing of the past eventually because it's too damn difficult to make it work. Solicitors will love the world to increase marriages because the divorce rate will soar too. Happy Sunday 😌😌😌
  20. Honestly, I love a toke before bed but I take it to sleep well. How that's a threat or any other effect of weed is beyond me. Driving when stoned sure but you could extend that to say alcohol is also deadly when driving. Banning weed when alcohol and nicotine is allowed to profit the pockets is akin to street vendors being banned for selling junk food yet allowing McDonald's and KFC to continue. It's that bloody idiotic.
  21. It's their word against the most dishonest and corrupt organisation in the land. Maybe they did it, I've nothing but speculation and experience of dealing with the bib to know only one thing. The truth won't come out.
  22. Not to mention the chocolate and crisp companies who are earning extra from the munchies. Totally Thai...blame those less likely to fight back. What about the harm alcohol and nicotine make? No chance taking those on so hit the vapes and weed farms. Pathetic
  23. There are 3 days when traffic makes it impossible to drive. Naklua, Central then Jomtien. Any idea the dates of these 3 only? Also, if I want to drive out of Pattaya for a week and return around 20th, what dates are best?
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