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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Building the tourism industry can be good for a country but like any other industry it can be set back by circumstances such as an epidemic... a countries success lies in how the money generated by any industry is utilized not necessarily by how it is produced... Thailand ranks 26th in the world as to a countries reliance on tourism however they rank poorly in the utilization of the funds generated. Spending billions on jet fighters while doing nothing for the infrastructure is wasteful... cleaning up the country would attract many more tourists.
  2. So explain to us WHY THE DEMOCRATS keep funding a program that has shown to be bad for the western world... when do they say enough of this bs... like it or not that is what trump did... but then joe in his need to reverse everything done by trump decided to send them more money again.
  3. Couldn't help yourself could you... when did british become a race???
  4. You have been here 29 years... you should know the answer to your question... in 29 years you have never made friends or acquaintances that can smooth this road... pay the 60 or call the hotline... your choice where the buck stops.
  5. When you associate with this type of person you become the lowest common denominator... expect less... you won't be disappointed.
  6. The facts and an understanding of what he is legally responsible for... HAHAHA
  7. Figures that you wouldn't know... read more... "the 51" are the persons who denied that hunters laptop existed and mislead the American voters and committed treason in 2020 election. Joe is illegitimate by default to the criminal activity of these individuals.
  8. House Republican calls on ‘The 51’ to be prosecuted for alleged Hunter Biden laptop cover-up... For your scrapbook on history.
  9. Here come all the "we hate it in Thailand because we can't get everything that we had in the country we left" crowd. Reminds me of all the californicators who left the left coast for a better life and brought all their left learning with them and now find themselves inundated in the same type of mess... hahahaha
  10. It was money that should have been confiscated as blood money of a criminal organization... returning it signified support for terrorism and the profits that were generated from it... don't let reality cloud your perspective when you spin your stories.
  11. OR was it so they could steal more taxpayer funding and secure a tighter control on the population.
  12. It is a hogwash basis of trying to figure out why dogs poop in the street... rather than deal with the fact that they do.
  13. BS... socialism fails repeatedly just for that reason... people do not want to have others put before them that are less qualified and productive... in the USA it is a falsehood to imply that there are those who no longer have all the tools needed to get ahead in society... the laggards now choose to be victims... why is diversity something that needs to be enhanced... what are the benefits... except to the lazy?
  14. AGAIN and again and again... this is about joe and his mental capacity not anything else... is joe fit to be acting president is the question... you are so blinded by your hatred that you and your fellow democrats cannot be honest about the question at hand... "IS joe aware?
  15. NO... go back to school and pay attention in history class this time.
  16. Maybe because your answer wasn't really relevant to the OP... I wasn't confused
  17. Quit with the reading and believing that proven propaganda rag media al jazeera... How many times do the jews have to be attacked and defend themselves before the hateful and terroristic muslims follow through on their promises of peace and acceptance that they make after losing every self inflicted conflict and war??? THE ONUS IS ON THE AGGRESSOR... get it right for once.
  18. That will never happen as it was said by one of their own... the muslim hamas are haters and terrorists still living in the 7th century... they are both covertly and overtly supported by the rest of the haters and terrorists of the peace loving muslims in the middle east.
  19. What source do you have showing that trump is a convicted sex offender? I can't find it... please help.
  20. That is precisely the problem... pretty soon the hiring becomes reliant on appearances of being diverse rather than qualified... pretty soon you have second rate service to your industry... a very good example is government workers... ever been to the DMV or any government office and tried to get good service? NO... didn't think so... if you did it was a mistake made in their hiring practice and one of the qualified slipped through the diversity requirements. So in your mind it is OK to discriminate as long as it is for the "right" reason... that's total hogwash.
  21. "...George Stephanopoulos said had not been edited"... right... george has been caught out before so he knows better how to edit now...
  22. Yes of course... diversity over meritocracy is your mantra until it is applied to you... then hear the uproar.
  23. Like opening the borders without control... chaos at the borders will be the death of America... wouldn't it be a shame if any of you still living there get caught up in the terrorism that is coming your way... PS... none of these illegals are picking crops.
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