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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. I am grown... it is he and you who should grow up and open your minds to the fact that bad behavior is wrong and has consequences... mommy can't always be there for you... 555
  2. More people die in hospitals than anywhere else...
  3. NO you don't... you promote law and order... she chooses to deny a very close to the heart reality about nazis and Germany has ruled that she needs to cease and desist.
  4. She reminds me of the epitome of the democratic party kool aid drinkers currently in the USA... deny deny deny... no matter what... DENY
  5. Another blaring example of this forum's commentors commenting without reading the OP... Her age is revealed in the second sentence of the first paragraph...
  6. Doesn't change the fact that when he was asked to leave and did not but rather stole a key and locked himself in a room that he was legally in the wrong.
  7. Or it could be just "hot flashes" that most men get as they age... it isn't necessary or healthful to become a hypochondriac at your or my age... just keep monitoring how you feel... if you feel totally out of sorts then address that... but occasional hot flashes are normal.
  8. No... as a general rule urine tests or for that matter any test does not automatically screen for STDs... they are specific tests that must be ordered specifically by a doctor.
  9. This is 4 years later...
  10. sounds like you are the typical gentleman come to Thailand to find true love... no social skills apparent so just flash the cash if you have any... I am sure that you will soon be in love.
  11. And exactly who forms those good intentions... you??? NO THANK YOU!
  12. Wearing masks has always been a go to for the criminals... just ask Faucci... what is the difference between the KKK and the current batch of criminal protestors... NOTHING except who is being hated.
  13. Consider the source for this OP hit piece... those outhousers can be surly.
  14. Do you ever post on this forum sober?
  15. Is that what you come away from this OP with... you are a sorry lot aren't you?
  16. Did your blood tests include screenings for STDs???
  17. It is the hotel who determines if he prepaid or paid... not him... he may have sent money to a fake booking agent and thought that he was prepaid... not the hotels responsibility... it's not up to him to take a key without the hotel's permission... that is trespassing.
  18. So let's find out who has standing and have them sue...what hogwash from the supreme court.
  19. You are the common denominator in that situation...555
  20. No... it turns out he is an outhouser
  21. HAHAHA... this is about the demoncratic party trying to redefine communism in order to have people quit calling them communists... if they can get the voters to think that trump is the communist instead of them they think that the voters will vote against him... funny thing is that the voters are so stupid that they will fall for it... just read the replies on this OP and you will get the gist of it... the dems are once again setting up a vote against rather than a vote for something campaign because they have nothing of substance to offer.
  22. Yes, hotels can kick you out, but only under certain circumstances and with proper notice. One of the circumstances just happens to be... If a guest fails to pay the fees associated with their stay, including room charges, taxes, and any incidental expenses, the hotel may have the right to remove them from the premises.
  23. Please try and get back with us with the result...
  24. And that practice is exactly why you have such a narrow view about the middle east... al jazeera is being proven to be muslim terrorist backed and produced. Talk about propaganda...
  25. Unfortunately because of restrictions imposed by Thailand the simplest and most proficient way is to just do a bank to bank wire transfer... it is not always the least expensive way to transfer but it evades restrictions as to amount of money that can be transferred in one lump sum.
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