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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. You're new to the forum... so fair warning... do not engage with "STICKY"... he is a bitter person who has no constructive comments to share about any topic or person... his distorted view of the world is deep rooted and you will never change him... best to use your "ignore" button.
  2. PolitiFact | Fact-checking Fox, MSNBC and CNN: PunditFact's network scorecards
  3. Yes... I agree... but then again Fox is not alone... anyone who listens or reads any media and believes it to be the gospel or the holy grail has a few screws loose... just like the guy who posted this op... what a fitting handle... bubblegum indeed... PolitiFact | Fact-checking Fox, MSNBC and CNN: PunditFact's network scorecards
  4. Try to educate yourself before putting your foot in your mouth... . Russia raises the maximum age of conscription as it seeks to replenish Ukraine forces | Russia | The Guardian
  5. This is the best of the liberal lawyers??? New York prosecutor Joshua Steinglass on Tuesday said the other crime was a violation of a New York law called "conspiracy to promote or prevent election."
  6. Everything that you post is just blather... blather this... blather that.
  7. Show me one source that supports what you say here... or do you just make up things.
  8. Or hilarious... or bill... or hunter... or menendez... or joe... and the beat goes on
  9. Actually not everyone has a tm6... instead refer to the date stamped in your passport when you first arrived in Thailand... secondly, using the date on the tm47 clipped in your passport only works if you didn't leave and reenter with a permit because your 90 days started anew on reentry... your first 90 day report after reentry has to be done in person... then you can start using the online system again.
  10. For being extremely verbose you sure don't have much of value to say...
  11. That's rich... show me the source on road use in rural Thailand... this isn't your home country and your rules do not mean shoot here.
  12. Sorry... you missed this one... lady /lā′dē/ noun A woman of high social standing or refinement, especially when viewed as dignified or well-mannered.
  13. It is clear now who was at fault... now we will wait and see if the car driver is connected or has money.
  14. “It really brings home something that bothers a lot of Americans, including people that don't particularly like Trump, that this is the weaponization of the criminal legal system. It's something we should all be able to condemn."
  15. What rock do you live under? At least educate yourself to appear half as ignorant... Russia conscription laws change, leaving some fearful of Ukraine war call-up 5 August 2023 By Olga Ivshina,BBC News Russia Share RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY Russia's Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu (centre left) inspects troops at a shooting range in the country's Southern Military District "Now I live in a state of constant fear. I can't plan anything," says Peter, 27. He is a salesman living in St Petersburg - but he is now at risk of being called up to fight as part of the Ukraine war. At the end of July, Russia raised the maximum conscription age by three years, widening the pool of men that can be called up to serve. Peter is one of millions affected by this change. Before, all healthy men in Russia aged between 18 and 27 had to serve one year of compulsory military service. Conscription was carried out twice a year. Now, all men up to 30 years of age can be called up.
  16. Social norms are what is currently acceptable behavior... not what used to be... currently her behavior is not acceptable.
  17. The topic of this op is the russians... but you are right.
  18. Totally lack the ability to recognize sarcasm... what are you... british?
  19. What is going on does not qualify under said law... the only severe human rights being violated (which is mandatory for that law to be implemented) in the entire middle east and especially Gaza are those being violated by your friend the hamas...
  20. The money loaned to UK after WWII was not to finance the war... it had ended... it was to help the UK recover from the economic hardship and rebuild their infrastructure... big difference.
  21. "The hospital might establish a clear policy outlining unacceptable behavior" Sad realty is that Russians have to be told what acceptable behavior is
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