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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Beachlover still is butt hurt because the Jews were given a place to live in 1948... he is of the ilk that would be happy had they all been slaughtered during WWII... he thinks that he and his ilk is the victim... actually they are the victim of their deep down hate that festers within them.
  2. I wonder how much this unknown source was bribed... uh paid... to write this
  3. Yep... totally his fault for waiting for the walk signal before he crossed... the taxi has the right of way and permission to run a red light... BLAME THE VICTIM
  4. Next time copy and paste rather than writing your own... you won't look so stupid then.
  5. What is your proposal on stopping the aggressors in these regions... just ask them? Tell them to stop? Try to be real and offer a solution rather than justifying terrorists and hate from russia... hamas... china...
  6. Because of course it wasn't a true "border bill"... why don't the dims introduce a TRUE bill on the border? Because it would pass so fast that it would really expose how corrupt and chaotic control of the border is.
  7. Here come the "those girls knew what they were doing... not really abuse" crowd.
  8. Sorry... live with your head up your back... you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink... try reading something other than the russian propaganda
  9. You obviously cannot comprehend the data concerning fact checking of all media... there is more to reality than the NY Times... again with the TDS... this OP is about the media not donald
  10. Do you even read your posts? It is totally about left and right... where you get your "facts"... and what constitutes what facts are real and acceptable. https://www.businessinsider.com › most-biased-news-outlets-in-america-cnn-fox-nytimes-2018-8?
  11. So because you don't like the source you deny that this is what was said... sad... it was said.
  12. Sounds like coming from the person who only reads the left wing trash from the NYTimes... you do know that they are as far left as fox is far right???
  13. So your sense of humor involves baseless slandering of people to appeal to your audience... you are right... we do NOT share that
  14. Maybe it's your lack of comprehension skills after all... First of all, conscripts were sent to battle... just not "legal" doesn't mean that it didn't happen and that it isn't continuing to happen... secondly, Russia illegally and "unilaterally claimed four Ukrainian regions as it's own"... they did so in order to legalize sending conscripts to bolster their forces in the Ukraine. Conscripts cannot legally be deployed to fight outside Russia and were in theory exempted from the September mobilisation – although some conscripts were sent to the front in error. However, Russia unilaterally claimed four Ukrainian regions as its own last September, in a move not recognised internationally, fuelling fears that raw conscripts could now legally be sent into battle.
  15. So you have to work harder... cry me a river... there's always "cut and paste"
  16. Or they could be on the welfare rolls in their own countries and be treated even worse... there are leaches in every society.
  17. It's Watters... and you do know that the NYTimes is as far left as Watters is right don't you???
  18. The new "woke" is to be anti-semitic... muslims are shrewd when it comes to hate and terror... they have infiltrated and are influencing the easily manipulated western fanatics... this is the real threat.
  19. If he hadn't pulled onto the right of way from the sidewalk without looking... she wouldn't have hit him drunk or not... how'd I do?
  20. First of all KUNLA didn't bother to watch the entire video... he heard one discerning thing and closed his mind
  21. Denial is not a river in Egypt...
  22. It's not "anger" that calls out "stupidity"... And I quote: "After Sean and Tucker the latest star is Walters and after observing him for a while I started to wonder: Do they grow them near area 51 or clone them?"
  23. Have you seen any number plates on bicycles yet they are legal as well... I don't think you really know anything
  24. Just as left of center as the Washington Post... what's your point... why are you such a bitter person?
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