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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. I know that the common knowledge of the forum is in question... but laziness in sourcing one's own opinion in order to negate what someone else has posted has become the go to weapon of choice. By demanding someone else's sources without citing your own is demeaning and should overrule the request. The counter arguers have become lazy and simply cannot mount a proactive defense for their position so they demand your source so they can poo-poo it. What is Common Knowledge? You may have heard people say that you do not have to cite your source when the information you include is “common knowledge.” But what is common knowledge? Broadly speaking, common knowledge refers to information that the average, educated reader would accept as reliable without having to look it up. This includes: Information that most people know, such as that water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit or that Barack Obama was the first American of mixed race to be elected president. Information shared by a cultural or national group, such as the names of famous heroes or events in the nation’s history that are remembered and celebrated. Knowledge shared by members of a certain field, such as the fact that the necessary condition for diffraction of radiation of wavelength from a crystalline solid is given by Bragg’s law. However, what may be common knowledge in one culture, nation, academic discipline or peer group may not be common knowledge in another.
  2. Oops, there it is... the OP is about the bidens not trump... but don't let that cloud your judgement.
  3. Typical bail out... google doesn't work on your computer or you are too lazy to search... the info is there.
  4. Are you referring to teaching the perverted gender rainbow hoax?
  5. But it's ok to teach the rainbow gender hoax... right???
  6. That would be quite contrary to over half of the opinionators who post on this forum... it would be a fool's folly to try.
  7. So the reason for your annoyance is that you may fall behind in keeping track of the number of bottles and it may cost you a baht or two... I'm sure that there is an app for that.
  8. Roberts also stated... and this is the crux of what the democraptic party cannot get their minds around... "But Congress may not criminalize the President’s conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the Executive Branch under the Constitution. And the system of separated powers designed by the Framers has always demanded an energetic, independent Executive"
  9. If you really cared you would be campaigning for the dems to come up with a party platform good for Americans... you don't even know what their party platform is... I will give you the answer so you don't stumble around trying to find it... they have none... their whole existence is on beating trump... where is a controlled border???... where is a net raise in income for middle America???... where are the ev stations???... Where are the sustainable alternative energy sources they promise???... where is affordable healthcare???... They are failing the heartbeat middle Americans at every turn...
  10. First class denier ya bet... drink the koolaid... no wonder the usa is going down the toilet.
  11. He is still holding out for hunter to be elected president... so felons need to be eligible
  12. Now who's guessing at the facts as reported in the OP??? 55555
  13. For all you frantic dems... have faith... the party has issued instructions on what you need to do to weather this storm... they have issued an email with specific rules and behavior should you face the barrage of naysayers resulting from joe's complete collapse at the debate... The email encourages supporters to forcefully push back against those calling on the president to drop out of the race, accusing such critics of being part of the "bedwetting brigade."
  14. No problem... goodbye.. you are right and anybody with a set of facts that are different than yours is wrong... are you sure you are a brit... you sound very much like an american democraptic party candidate.
  15. Did you even read my last source... it is a report released by the same Australian government that you are so deeply ensconced with... why are there contradictions?
  16. 02.3 Key findings | EV Fire Safe... Yo keep posting the same source... one source... so far I have found 8 different sources that contradict your findings... can you corroborate your source... ???
  17. Actually I wasn't triggered... I merely commented that whatever his belief or reality is... the real world has laws which support the owner asking him to leave and he broke the law by refusing and locking himself in the hotel's room.
  18. Or bathtubs... but the point is... Medical errors are a leading cause of patient morbidity and mortality. Recent mortality analysis in the United States ranked medical errors as the third major cause of death, following heart disease and cancer, which were ranked on the first and second place. Plus if a person wants to be exposed to all kinds of disease for whatever their reason... go sit in the waiting room of a hospital ER. I wasn't discounting that a high fever is not or cannot be serious... however, I was being credulous in thinking that he really was that dire if he was able to control it with "Tylenol" or ibuprofen... Even a slight exaggeration can turn a normal body function into a dire one...
  19. I posted a "credible" source... just because you and your narrow biased point of view didn't bother to read it or you have arbitrarily declared it not credible doesn't mean that it is not true... stop embarrassing yourself with you (your) lack of knowledge and by showing yourself to be short sighted and closed minded... you come across as a sanctimonious clown... the sun doesn't rise and set on whether or not you push everyone to accept that EVs are the end all in vehicles... 555555
  20. Ah... I just knew there were no "credible" sources other than yours... HAHAHAHAHA
  21. EV fires burn hotter: Lithium-ion battery fires can be up to 1,000 degrees (F) hotter than a combustion engine fire. This means that if an EV catches fire, it can pose a greater risk to other objects around it—like other EVs or cars in a parking garage, or a nearby building... Electric Vehicle Fire Risk (verisk.com)
  22. They didn't penetrate harry's thick skull... it's rock solid
  23. I agree 100%... much like the radical muslim reporters do for Al Jazeera... or MSN reporters do for the democraptic party
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