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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. I'm sticking to my 4 foot rule... that's as high as I go in Thailand... even if it's certified to be engineered to the highest standards... I say ... RAISE THE STANDARDS
  2. When it comes to living within the law or paying the price I am and so are most people... this isn't about being perfect... it's about being stupid and with a better than the law attitude without willing to pay the price... called entitled
  3. The idiot had ecstasy pills on him... his decision... his responsibility... entitled attitude got him in hot water ... I personally do not care what happened while he was in prison... he did this.
  4. Poor is me... what an absolute tool... more of the "I'm special brigade"
  5. Lifting mega heavy weights runs the risk of an aneurysm... exactly what this guy died from
  6. I already know the plans that city hall have and why they are making this change to the traffic pattern... I was looking for your divine input... nothing?
  7. Since you are the authority on the divider please share your divine wisdom... the long range plan please.
  8. The best place to get it is in Thailand... if you are going to Vietnam, enter visa free for 15 days... fly to Thailand visa exempt for 30 days... while here in Thailand get 60 tourist visa... simple and covers all your time requirements
  9. I doubt it... the curbs were put in in order to stop people from making dangerous turns anywhere that they pleased and to keep traffic flowing... doesn't it amaze you that people in Thailand think it is ok to ignore everyone else when driving... sort of like when they stop for lunch and can't even pull completely off the right of way so that they are not blocking traffic.
  10. Then don't read it... just skip over it... nothing says that you have to click on it... I like it.
  11. Going thru Bangkok Bank or any bank is the most expensive way to transfer money... not only in the amount of fees but also in exchange rate differential... Deemoney is the best... Western Union next best... Swift least.
  12. I avoid everything engineered to Thai standards that is over 4 feet off the ground...
  13. As of right now and in the past as well , working around your own home has never been not allowed... so no, you wouldn't be reported and if you were the RTP wouldn't waste their time... however that too may change.
  14. Disgruntled customer or neighbor reported you for "working as a farang"... when they saw your work permit they were deflated.
  15. There you go again with the schoolyard reasoning... well so and so did it... they are not intertwined nor dependent one upon the other.
  16. My favorite hobby is being able to get out of bed every morning...
  17. Not if what you are saying is self righteous... and arrogant... thus making it seem that stupidity is coming across from you... say what you want but live with the consequences.
  18. Every time that you strain to lift a mega heavy weight you strain the capillaries and arteries carrying your blood supply... it doesn't make them stronger... it weakens them until they fail... your choice
  19. She was distracted (either drunk or phone) and drifted into the median... good thing it stopped her... she may have hit head on another car coming the other direction and killed them both.
  20. But does it really benefit the country... or does it tie it down to the third world for a longer period of time... IMHO it retards growth
  21. I would simply read the rules using a translate app... after all I am a professional and that's part of being so.
  22. Maybe if you had something worthwhile to say you would get more responses... just a thought
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