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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. 020/11/yes-constitution-democracy/616949/ Editorially, The Atlantic takes a Left-Center position on most issues
  2. Yes.. I love to travel and since I retired at age 50 (25 years ago) I have had the good fortune of being able to do so... is that a bad thing in your book?
  3. No... As an Aussie you have no concept of the USA never being designed to be ruled by the majority... please study "democratic republic" and "electoral college"... then possibly you will understand... probably not though.
  4. If you had any understanding at all it would be easy to explain... however since you do not understand... I cannot help you... I would suggest reading about "democratic republic"... "electoral votes determined based on population density"... the founding fathers of the USA had no intention ever of the majority having control of anything... they saw thru the facade and knew it to be a bad decision... majorities become mobs that demand everyone toe the line...
  5. Clear your mind... Trump is taking much too much room there...
  6. First... welfare does not include SSI nor Medicare... Secondly... name one Thirdly... most successful nations do not strive for public education... the private education opportunities far outstrip the public sector.
  7. Elite has many meanings among which is the majority of people who rule by mob mentality... not unlike the self serving masses
  8. You have no concept other than the party line when it comes to the electoral college... each state is weighted for population by the number of electoral votes that it is assigned... it evens the playing field so that one segment of the population cannot take control of the entire population... so far in history it has been the most fairly judged political system in the world... why tear it apart?
  9. I liked Mexico in the 70's... now not so much... too much violence connected to the drug trade. Was in Columbia post cocaine days... not too bad but not all that either... Philippines... lots of areas to avoid... but the best for bars and girls in Subic Bay/Olongapo City.
  10. It's been mostly successful... why do you think it needs to change? For the sake of change? To "keep up" with the Jones'? Amendments go both ways... how about the current push to eliminate female rights? PS... "one person one vote" is a myth prescribed to by those who have no concept of the republic government model... it was never intended that the USA be ruled by the mob... thank your lucky stars.
  11. Socialism which is constantly frothed after by the liberals has failed everywhere... welfare... fail... socialized medicine... fail... gov't controlled schools... fail... care to go on??? PS... participation trophies... fail.
  12. Mexico, Panama, Ecuador, Costa Rica... having lived in these 4 countries as well... Thailand beats them hands down...
  13. There are two things keeping you upright when you are riding... the front tire and the rear tire... I would never patch either...
  14. Keep up the derision of one of the most successful (albeit not perfect) political systems in the world... the mantra of the super liberal is to change it to follow all of the failed systems in history... go for it.
  15. I don't "NEED" to know... I am just curious. Why are you so guarded about sharing the source of your enlightened opinions... I would be willing to see the light if I just knew the best place to look.
  16. Why is that important? I am willing to "read" any worthwhile news reports... and am genuinely seeking to update my portfolio of material.
  17. What news source has the facts and truth... I am searching and cannot seem to find the answer... please help.
  18. October last year in Hang Dong, Chiang Mai... and we are on high ground
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