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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. They will not be dismissed... it would interrupt the flow of brown envelopes.
  2. 555 Just about every shop sells online... try Prikpot... free delivery
  3. Yes... a doctor once told me that if you want to get sick visit the emergency room at a hospital... I have worn masks since the 70's whenever I visit a hospital or a doctors office... seems only right since those two places are where sick people go.
  4. This is the direct result of the lack of building codes... duct tape and silicone do little to hold together buildings in high winds.
  5. Hydrogen run vehicles have been around for ages... there's just no money or drama to be had by persueing it's development.
  6. The sheriff can call for anything he wants... he's just wasting his breath... relocation of the unwanted migrants out of Florida breached no law... unlike the midnight flights by the Biden cartel smuggling them into states that do not want them... there are still States Rights in the USA
  7. But you do understand how Biden can spend taxpayers' money and send them to states that do not want them in the first place... all Desantis did was send them on to a professed sanctuary city so that they would be welcomed with open arms... and it's "jeez" not "geese".
  8. You have taken data and misconstrued it... 48,832 deaths by guns last year... just because it was one of the 26328 suicides doesn't mean it wasn't committed by a criminal (ever heard of murder suicide)... suicides would probably happen anyway... drugs for instance... so that leaves the 20,958 homicides... which is criminal... and unlike you imply that most of them were not criminals before and it was a first time act and using legally obtained guns... that's just conjecture and wishful thinking by the gun control lobby... the vast majority of shootings in the USA are done by criminals with guns as I stated.
  9. And those that do this and trespass against local laws are criminals... my critical thinking skills are intact... how are yours???
  10. So what if all the companies change their course... it their right to do so... it not mandated in the law as the article implies.
  11. Waa! There's nothing in the bill that restricts treatment for adults... a private company changed its course and quit providing treatment... it remains the company's right to make that decision either way.
  12. Your right but the masses don't think about the details... it's all emotion.
  13. And it proves my point that you can tell the uneducated masses anything and they will believe it
  14. See if you can follow this logic being spouted by the gun control advocates... if you forbid gun ownership than nobody will have guns... as Paul Harvey used to say..."Now for the rest of the story"... except criminals... because as you noted criminals do not follow the law.
  15. There is also a giant myth called... "criminals obey the law"... if no guns for everyone is the law, why are there still shootings in countries with strict gun laws or cities like New York City or Chicago which have very strict gun laws... guns aren't as big a problem as criminals... used to be if someone stole your horse he got hanged...
  16. The best thing to do is determine if it coming from china... if so don't buy it.
  17. Heaven forbid the capital be put at risk... release the tapes and improve security if needed
  18. This problem is not so much about brexit as it is about mismanagement... no viable system in place
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