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Everything posted by oldscool

  1. By the way, for anyone else interested in Thai and other SE Asian and Asian landraces, I recommend this site. https://www.zomiacannabisco.com/zomia I assume everyone here is already aware of the 4 landraces that the Thai authorities listed as national heritage, but if not here it is. https://bloom.express/thai-government-approved-strains/ My original plan was to grow and review all the relevant landraces (about 10 depending on different sources). I’ve done about 5 so far, but I’ve got enough mj now to last me a year or more lol, so I’ll probably pause for a while.
  2. Just to reply to a couple of points: "brick" is simply a packaging method, not a strain. It's widely considered to be used for illicit imports due to the smaller size and the ease of concealed transportation. To be honest, I’ve never bought brick, but I’ve read many very positive reviews. ("Thai Stick" was also a packaging method, not a strain of, course, despite the fact that even the Thai Ministry of Agriculture refers to Squirrel Tail as Thai Stick.) As for my first joint being in 1970. I merely point that out to demonstrate that the reviews I post are those of an experienced user. I can think of at least 2 other users who have said they've been smoking 50+ years for the same reason - to demonstrate their experience. I haven't noticed anyone objecting to that. Also it gives me a point of comparison for the original "Thai Stick" that I smoked in the 70s, which was excellent then and clearly still is (the strains are the same native landraces). As for my suppliers. I believe in the philosophy of giving a man a fishing rod rather than a fish: I have explained the best way to find good local suppliers, but I’ll repeat it: use Thai search words on twitter, not FB or LINE or Shoppee. There are many good Thai suppliers on twitter, no need for me to single one out.
  3. Siri/Tanaosri Kan Khaw (WA1) 33 baht per g; 20g 670 baht. Outdoor grow in Thailand. Buds (not pressed). This was my first of the Thai landraces since June. The photo showed it to be quite seedy, and indeed my supplier thought that would put me off, but I explained I was very interested in the seeds. He explained that it was the end of the run of that crop and thus the seediest (the sensimilla had been sold in the first batch). So it was a win-win for us. Consumed via RAW standard joint (minus seeds lol). 4 tokes was enough (a fraction of a gramme). A pure sativa of course with none of the mental or physical heaviness of my earlier review of GC. As is often the case, I was uncomfortably high for the first 15 minutes or so, followed by 2 or 3 hours of graceful degradation (slow fade if you prefer). Very similar to the Thai Stick I smoked in the 70s. I wouldn’t recommend driving on it. I planted about 20 seeds outdoors, they are all doing well with minimum attention. PS I had my first joint around 1970, I am not a seller.
  4. Yes, in fact oversupply is already a problem: for example last year "Canada’s federally licensed marijuana producers destroyed a record 425 million grams – or 468 tons – of unsold, unpackaged dried cannabis last year". And that doesn't include the massive about of unlicensed grow that was destroyed by Canada's government agencies. https://mjbizdaily.com/canadian-growers-destroyed-a-record-425-million-grams-of-cannabis-in-2021/ Thailand's oversupply will be even bigger, at least until the National Assembly reviews and votes on recreational use. There's another thread for that, so I won't digress.
  5. The 500,000 notional growers comprise less than 1% of the population. The lawmakers are firmly and overwhelmingly against recreational use, so whatever shape the genie takes after the lawmakers vote, it's inconceivable that the current situation will be allowed to continue. But anything more is speculation.
  6. The issue is really about the morphing from cbd for medicinal use (which had been agreed) to thc for recreational use (which had never been part of the original proposal). Given that the vast majority of MPs are against recreational use, as is the Thai medical profession and the Thai population at large, it's hard to see how recreational use will be allowed to continue, at least in its present form. Anything else is really speculation at this point in time.
  7. A very interesting topic Tomster. I'm very much old school myself and I like mj to look like mj not rock crystals. Not just that, but if I wanted something stronger than good outdoor landraces I'd try a different dr*g, not an intensive factory farmed hormone-enhanced tent grow. But the real issue for me on the intensive factory farmed methods is the carbon footprint - here's one example of many articles on the topic: https://ideas.ted.com/whats-the-carbon-footprint-of-cannabis-surprisingly-high/ "Yet most people aren’t paying much attention to the environmental impacts of the cannabis industry. In Colorado, for example, the weed industry accounts for 1.3 percent of the state’s total annual carbon emissions, according to the state’s Department of Public Health and Environment. This is similar to emissions from coal mining and trash collection for the entire state. Currently, there is little to no regulation on emissions for growing cannabis indoors, and as the industry continues to expand rapidly, it’s important to consider how it’s affecting our planet’s health." Us oldschoolers used to be pretty attentive to such concerns, still are of course, but the ethos of many of the newer generation of enthusiasts seems to be very much narrower.
  8. Personally, I don’t buy seeds. I request seeds when I buy mj (always outdoor locally grown). My supplier is happy to oblige and provides seeds from the strain I am buying. In this way I’ve saved 50,000 to 100,000 baht on seeds. And it gives me the added advantage of knowing exactly the effect of the strains I grow. My personal experience to date with smoking locally grown landraces has been excellent, as good as the original Thai stick that I remember from the 70s. Also, Thai landraces are perfectly adapted to the Thai climate of course, having evolved over thousands of years for this climate. Consequently they are much less trouble to grow here outdoors. Plus zero electricity bills.
  9. The best way to find good mj here is to search using Thai writing on twitter. Use google translate for the search terms if you can't read or write Thai. Most suppliers also have LINE accounts that they link to from twitter. All suppliers that I am aware of offer COD nationwide. Good luck.
  10. Baox, 1 baht 56 satang per gramme (100 g 165 baht). It arrived in ground form. Outdoor grown in Thailand. Consumed via joint, RAW regular. 1 full joint gives a strong sense of body well-being, plus a head well-being/slight high with zero paranoia. The slight head high fades quite quickly, within an hour. The body well-being fades after a couple of hours. The head high is so slight that it might be unnoticeable for heavy habitual users who flood their brains with high levels of THC daily. For any user interested in CBD I’d recommend regulated tinctures (not oils) applied sublingually (under the tongue): this method combines a rapid effect (not as rapid as smoking of course) with zero lung damage. PS My first joint was around 1970.
  11. According to Leafly Green Crack is a hybrid of skunk#1 and an unknown indica, and skunk#1 itself is a hybrid of sativa and indica, which would explain the heavy body sedation. I didn't use the term "couch lock" because it probably wouldn't mean much to new users who want to understand what to expect. Leafly's strain analysis of GC is 100% consistent with my smoke review, as I'm sure experienced users here will recognise. But I thought it would be sensible to add a smoke review - something that seems to be missing from the forum. A smoke review from experienced users would be much more useful to me than hypothetical debates about THC levels, terpenes, "entourage" effect etc. No I'm not a seller.
  12. Green crack, 13 baht per gramme (50 grammes for 670 baht). COD via twitter/ line. In bud form (not pressed). Outdoor grown imported from Laos. Slightly moist on arrival, but ready to use. Too strong for regular day smoke. 3 or 4 tokes explode into heavy head high that could easily induce paranoia in some users or inexperienced users. Fading into deep body/head relaxation for 2,3,4 hours. Not recommended for busy working people. PS, my first joint was around 1970.
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