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HuskerDo2 last won the day on December 7 2022

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  1. Woman.... by John Lennon. Can't Help Falling in Love..... Elvis. How Deep is your Love.... Bee Gees.
  2. "Being happy and relaxed is one of the most efficient way to remain in good health. But happy people with solid social networks usually live longer.".... Well said and yes, genetics plays a big part. Keeping your mind active everyday is a must as well as physical activity. Look at many in the entertainment industry. Tony Bennett lived to something like 97. SO MANY rock and rollers still going strong at, or near age 80 like McCartney, Jagger and Richards. Take care of yourself, stay away from foolish people and be happy. That will gain you a lot of extra years.
  3. "assuming it was not earned this year"...... Does "earned" include things like pensions and Social Security? Thanks Sheryl! You always have great input/information.
  4. "Look up the term, "Ugly American"."...... I did. It had a picture of my ex.
  5. "Most people retiring in Thailand are in a way or another, deep down inside, sad and lonely individuals".... WOW! QUITE a statement. Of course this is just your opinion so it holds no value.
  6. Yep, as I said... a child!!
  7. All that "supposed" education yet you still have the intellect and personality of a child. Have a great day Sir Isaac!
  8. Pork jowls? Is that all you can afford? So few years a person spends on this Earth and you are eating sh!t food. Sad.
  9. And you aren't NEWTON mister "I only eat one mean a day". SO MANY doctors would tell you that isn't healthy but since you are a know-it-all.... carry on. Keep believing you know better. Good luck to you.
  10. Absolutely bizarre.
  11. I'll be at the finish line telling you "I told you so". Quite arrogant you are not knowing who your competition would be.
  12. Thank you wannabe doctor but you are wrong.
  13. "As a person with perfect weight"... pretty much in love with yourself aren't you?
  14. Overweight and obese are two totally different things. Of course, since you are an expert and a physician you know it all. Right?
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