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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. What do you expect??? Men would tell you how to cheat and how they did it? Just to satisfy you??? Very pathetic!🎃
  2. As you said you will come to Thailand for 3 months why not find out by yourself? Everyone of us got different needs for life. Good luck anyway.
  3. Everyone got a different taste. Drink your coffee as you want and try beans as you want, even roast them by yourself. What about your pumpkins last night? Tell us, I'm sooo interested....💤
  4. Go on with your life and don't think too much. Gives you a headache as you can see🎃
  5. More easier to find a "body shop" where you can rent bodies for a night or so🎃
  6. Plenty of fool posters here too 🎃
  7. Why not read the whole story? Then you wouldn't post such nonsense.👎
  8. For me it is the most useless thread or post today. Sorry
  9. You don't need to pay money. However, if you want please do. Write your last will, let it be translated, get it witnessed, name an executor, put it in a sealed envelope and deposit it at your city counsel. That's it. It's all for free. If you want to pay me for this advise please ask me for my account number! 👍👍👍
  10. Since I changed my gender last month in the office, I would not have any problems to choose the toilet I want.......I will give the neutral gender a chance.😁😍💗
  11. ....but he knows the word for potatoes in Thai......🤓
  12. You will buy a car eventually??? Next time you might hit the Jackpot. Wish you the best!
  13. At least he saved the money for repainting his old chunk🚗😉
  14. It's a common but sad story. As far as I understand you're not at the same level. You might regard her as being on a lower level and therefore could command her. If you can't sit and talk to her look for professional help. There are trained family psychologists available in case you'll give your family a chance.
  15. ... And half of the remaining are not addicted !🥳
  16. I would choose Thai Post. My experience: FAST and safe. Alternatively DHL
  17. Thank you
  18. I wonder, why he didn't do this surgery in Dubai??? Could it be he uses his 30 Baht insurance implemented by himself years ago? A poor Mega- Billionaire 😂
  19. I did not know, that Thailand got climate ambitions. I would like to see any progress in Chiangmai. No burnings would be a great advantage already.
  20. Around 3am you will have to expect everything....the good and the worse. Therefore, we have Grab or similar helpful organizations. Instead, you risked your lives.
  21. If you followed my posts, you will become a wise man....and would not open your mouth 👍🐪
  22. And before 1920? Ongoing war? Between whom? Actually it was a peaceful area
  23. The Hamas charter is not speaking for Palestine but only a few thousands people. And one of those good examples of working countries is our neighbour, Malaysia.
  24. Right. Before it was made to that Promised Land, Jews, Muslims and Christians lived there together in peace. Only after the foreign Jews invaded the country problems started, initiated by the New Israelian citizens.
  25. You got me wrong. Evolution stopped when Europeans entered America. The result you can watch every day.
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