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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. That frightens me, indeed????????
  2. I see "bignok" as someone who is always in competition. He wants to win. His problem is there might be no winner but different opinions only. And if it comes to proven facts he can't admit being wrong, following by getting nasty. Karma.
  3. And where is the recommendation OP is asking???
  4. I like Thai jokes ❤️????????????????
  5. Yeah, I've been there in 2001 last time. It was beautiful. Past obviously
  6. Stop replying if you have to marter your brain. Better That's what a friend told me. Silence is golden.....
  7. I realised already that you are not good in answers but in writing nonsense. A friend said this to me.???? Keep on with your life
  8. Same right for Russia? Or do you prefer different laws for different countries? Depends on having a democratic govt ?
  9. I would be interested how you will judge about the ongoing violation of International Law by Israel????
  10. BS. Hezbollah started from the North recently. Israel could stop the war by giving back the Westbank according to the statement of UN. And finally agree to the 2 states option. Israel acts again International Law. However, there is no accuse for the cruelty of Hamas.
  11. Maybe they find out how beautiful Hainan in their own country is.????
  12. SIM cards from AIS ???? I forgot.... who's the owner?
  13. Hahaha, is there even one country where US left in peace since 1945? NONE!! US helps only if it is in their interest, mainly political or economic. There is an UN resolution concerning the Westbank. Did help US Palestine? I won't start US bashing, but I ask you to consider history of US involvement since 1945. It may hurt.
  14. I hope US will be not involved. Wherever they were involved since 1945 they left devastated land and people. And when you talk about "neighbours".....who occupied eg the Westbank? It was Israel! And who claims Jerusalem to be the religious Capital? It was Israel, though Moslems got the same right to carry out religious customs. Trying to kill your neighbour will never be any solution for peace. Hatred is growing the more innocent people will die. And sanctions never ever worked. So to sanction The Gaza Strip by cutting electricity, drinking water and fuel is not only inhuman but stupid useless. Best example you'll see in Russia or Iran or elsewhere.
  15. Nuts. Who will decide who should be stamped out? And what kind of view is it to give someone the right to stamp out your neighbour?? Sorry, when reading your post I could vomit.
  16. I just wondering if we live in the same world. Your views are absolute abstruse to me. Sorry.
  17. You want to pressure the invaded and not the invader? You would agree to put pressure on to Ukraine instead of Russia? Don't tell me it's that what you mean.
  18. "Stamp out"....Is this your only answer? According to the bible..take an eye for an eye...? Since 1945 the US is acting like that. Without any success. Wherever the Americans marched in they left a chaos and an unruled destroyed country . So to answer with more arms and more killings we will never have a sustainable peace. We are supporting Ukraine and mark the invader as a cruel monster but we did not do anything when Israel invaded Jordan (West Bank). Where is the state Palestine?
  19. Mate, in my opinion we have too many wars anyway. Israel, Ukraine, Serbia, Armenia, some starting again, then many civil wars in Africa in former colonies aso. The benefit is with the arms industry not with the people. Now we'll have antisemitism in our countries growing caused by open gates in EU. We host Israel's enemies. It's only a matter of time that bombs will explode in synagogues or Jewish people will be attacked on the streets. Therefore the whole world (UN is powerless) is to influence Israel to come to peace talks and to agree to a 2 state solution, and to give back the West Jordan Land.
  20. Reacting to ongoing occupation and harassment. To move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was like pouring oil into the fire. There were never real peace talks. (actually you didn't answer my question but asking me instead????)
  21. I think you forgot that Israel occupied the West Bank/Golan Heights. So Israel is the Aggressor. Hamas and Hezbollah reacted. There is also an UN resolution against Israel. Don't you think you would fight if your family would be cut off from drinking water and electricity?
  22. Slauthering happens on both sides. And torturing too as in any war. Peace talks have to start, not only initiated by the "world's famous deal maker" or all the other US presidents before but leaders of the neighbouring countries as Saudi Arabia or Turkey eg. And Thailand role to stay neutral seems to be good politics
  23. I wonder if they had to eat cakes by force? They didn't have any choice to say no?????
  24. Thank you for the list. I wonder if I can have an accomodation in the Vatican? Probably I've to show special qualification?????
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