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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. I wonder if Charly will show his new acquired hat to Joe? ????
  2. I strongly disagree! Maturity doesn't come by age (only). Look at that 80 year old Joe Biden or this fragile Prawit. Aren't they not mature or already childish? Who knows? ????
  3. Trust him !!!!! He always tells the truth !!! Remember the "Tales of watches". ????
  4. ...as long Thailand will be a peaceful country and not running into turmoil over next Govt. election. With tanks on the street it's unlikely to welcome 12 million "friends".
  5. ????????????.......2 lame ducks....?
  6. yeah, the clairvoyants are crawling out of the mud.????
  7. the lawyer is wrong. You can do it you described, put it in an envelope and deposit it at the city hall. Doesn't cost anything.
  8. Both are coming from the same root of cheating, lying and corruption. So why not meet and make a deal.....as deal makers do?????
  9. Location:Sitting in the Korova Milk Bar Probably not so many tattood girls ??
  10. ...somebody needed a new head? ....????
  11. That's not really new. In EU it's allowed in many products already, declared under Latin Name, so most people don't know what it is ????
  12. order at LAZADA. If not available, please look for PSYLLIUM HUSK, for 99 Baht per 100g.
  13. I don't want to argue with you. However, when I go to a hospital and see a doctor, he send the bill to the reception. With this bill I go to the cashier. After having paid I hand this paid bill including the medicines written on this docket/prescription to the pharmacy and get my medication. MANY medicines are only available in hospitals. So why to go to a pharmacy outside when I can't get my medicine there? That makes no sense at all. But you read SHERYL's post. She said it all concerning this case with Amitriptyline.
  14. Why it is surprising? Fires could start only in first or second floor ???????
  15. If you can read between lines and got a bit of empathy you will feel the pain the girl has to suffer. Nobody to talk to, not to the teachers, not to the parents. And no help from healthcare authorities/psychological help. And too easy access to drugs which should not be available anyway.
  16. BS. !! Of Course there are prescriptions. If you see a doctor in hospital he gave you the bill including the receipt for the pharmacy. AFTER you paid the bill you hand the docket to the pharmacy and will get your medication!
  17. This survey doesn't say anything. Would have better asked students from 12-18 yo. Im sure the outcome would be different. Me, personally I would not opt for uniforms. the material is not cotton but kind of plastic and not good for sensitive skin. Many Govt know this and are not going the military look either
  18. Go to a doctor and get a prescription. As always.
  19. ....and your answer is....??????
  20. Don't play the innocent. You now better how rich people including the King and cronies in UK earned their wealth. Many by trading, yes. But trading slaves.!
  21. A good opportunity to spend the 500.000 for them. Did this happen? No! So you let your own people starve just to give that man a new hat? Silly!
  22. well, give them education, give them a job and make them tax payers. Easy as that.
  23. It seems you don't understand my post unfortunately. Considering that a man got a hat with stolen diamonds not even sheltering from rain, which festival cost more than half a million, spent by tax payer's money.....why there is no money to help those exploited people, exploited by the hatter in former centuries. If you get no job, no education, and get no food or shelter.......of course you'll try it in a better world, unless the rich countries will pay their debts investing in infrastructure, in education, in development. To change the conditions in their home country they need education, freedom (of speech) equal rights and no corruption. I suppose you'll agree that this will not come from heaven?? With better conditions for life nobody would leave. And one thing: not all migrants try to enter Europe because of economic reasons, there are a lot of real asylum seeker, who will have the right to stay according to Genever convention. the 500 million would have been better spent to help African countries or Middle East.
  24. well, would YOU leave your country if there would be no need to do so? I wouldn't. Imagine: no food, no shelter, no job, no education and pictures of wealthy people in TV, e.g. King Charles's festivals, which cost more than half a million. e.g This family who maybe exploited your country over decades. You might think: Why can't they help you? You might think: Because they don't want to. You might think: Because you are black and they aren't? You might think: Because you are maybe Muslim and they aren't? You might think: Because they are raci.....??? The coast guard is no help, and to build a wall around Europe will not help but support in those countries the migrants are coming from. Invest there, give them all, what I described above and nobody would leave. It's high time to give them a liveable but not vegetating life. To let them drown is inhuman. But help is human.
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