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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. How that is putting words in your mouth, I have no idea. But hay if the cap fits wear it! You are aware that the fraudulent charge against Trump, comes from a law dated 1870 used against the KKK. And had everything to do with how slaves could or could not be treated.
  2. So your post pre edit didn't say. Jack Smith said it was trumps first amendment right to lie? Or words to that effect. Knowing it would stop Trumps Lawyers from arguing amendment rights? It must have been another poster? lol
  3. You edited that quite a bit? I think what you mean is, Smith knows he can't prove a case of Insurrection, but thinks he can on those other less than spectacular charges. Charges which seem more related to slavery and how slaves should be treated etc.
  4. Actually if you read the indictment. Trump hasn't actually been charged with insurrection in specific terms!
  5. Not my problem if most Americans have their heads up their own backsides!
  6. Which shows surveys like this are useless. Most of the world thinks Biden is a Joke and laugh at America.
  7. That isn't democracy, no matter how you try to make it seem so. The case is the Democrats against Trump.
  8. Still has to be proven.
  9. That doesn't give a definitive answer. He could but there might be problems. But no hard and fast rule that he couldn't pardon himself.
  10. We shall see if it happens. lol.
  11. I agree. Jack Smith is using something like 60 lawyers and para legals to troll through all the evidence, and this is all they can come up with.
  12. Supposedly he could still run for president from prison. If he wins he can pardon himself.
  13. My point is, if they had even one strong case that would put trump behind bars. they would go for that. But they obviously don't. So, they are trying to throw the book at him. Still a long way to go to prove any of it. But Trump haters will be Trump haters!
  14. With so many charges laid against Trump it seems that maybe the prosecution aren't sure any of them will stick. The dems must be so desperate!
  15. Nothing to think about. You did right to not go ahead with that company.
  16. What you are witnessing is the death of democracy! Regardless of the target, you should be very worried about what is being done to Trump. I know you aren't, so I'll just say. by the looks of it, likeable uncle Joe has as much chance of going to jail as Trump has. Or is it that one type of corruption is OK another not depending on your political leanings?
  17. So guilty until proven innocent for you.
  18. Seems to me it's not about what is legal or not. It's all personality politics. Half the country hate Biden and half Trump. Personality politics doesn't solve anything. What a mess the US is in!
  19. I am sure there are other legal professionals who think it's BS.
  20. All these claims have to be proven. Innocent until proven guilty. Or has American law changed, guilty till proven innocent?
  21. Well I hope Barr does jumps off a bridge. The Daily Mail, a well know trashy news outlet!
  22. You mean Biden's DOJ. With what seem like spurious claims of wrong doing. They will have a hard time proving any of those charges, regardless of what they say.
  23. The only one who seems to have a death wish is Biden!
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