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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. That's how messed up the Left are.
  2. The way the Dems are going after Trump. Will lose them the vote.
  3. Not sure that really matters. My bank account has UK address, my credit card a Thai address. Still getting my credit card sent to Thailand. So my rating must be OK. On the basis that Mastercard and Visa issue Thai debit cards etc. Those institutions are able to check your credit score in Thailand also!
  4. You may have your songs mixed up. Not sure which song you mean. But Doo Doo Doo was around 2008!
  5. I heard this song on my very first visit to Thailand. It was the current hit at that time, has stuck in my mind ever since.
  6. I don't think you will find an alternative to the Honda HR-V. I took it for a test drive. Didn't think the sunroof was a problem. In the end I ordered the CR-V ES hybrid.
  7. You could always add a dark film to block the sun on the sun roof?
  8. I know the same bank has closed down accounts of other forum members and expats around the world. Basically the bank asked if I pay taxes in Thailand and wanted proof of that. I provided them with a Thai Tax number which satisfied them. They never explicitly said they would close the account if I did not provide the info. But it was pretty obvious they would have if I was not able to give them that info. I don't think others were given a chance to keep their accounts open. Some may have been able to if they could provide a UK address. Barclay's stopped sending me a C/C because I didn't give them a UK address. As an example.
  9. From Wise; "To protect your money while offering you a good return, we’ve partnered with BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager. When you switch to Wise Interest, your money’s in a fund holding government-backed assets. This fund is low risk because its assets are guaranteed by the government. There are fund fees — 0.29% annually, which is £2.90 for every £1,000 you hold in Interest. To make things clearer, our fees are already factored into our rates." Current rates 4.54% on GBP 4.81% on USD 3.06% on EUR Not sure I trust government bonds though!
  10. I am aware of all of that. Ironically, when I first moved to Thailand and wanting to be above board, I used my Thai address, even received a debit card from the bank. But when that card was due for renewal, I received notice that the bank do not send cards to Thailand. I needed the card to set up new payments online. That is when I changed address to a UK address. The card would be sent to that address and then forwarded to me. It was my accountants home address. having a guess, but if the bank knew the address was that of an accountant. Would that make them think twice about closing the account. As it was he who notified me that the bank needed some answers. He also forwarded my reply and proofs to the Bank.
  11. If it was a fake address they would have closed the account. It has nothing to do with reassuring myself. If at some stage the bank changes policy, then I will deal with it at that time. I've lived here in Thailand for 15 years. The bank have had plenty of time to discover I live in Thailand. They finally decided to ask me questions a couple years ago. I answered their questions. They did not close down the account. I have no reason to think they will close the account out of the blue. Maybe my situation is different from others. That they have not closed the account. I also think that the bank is not above bending the rules to keep accounts open. London still being the money laundering capitol of the world! To qualify that. Requirements for holding a UK bank account is being a resident of the UK! Banks determine that with a UK address. Using online banking I have changed my address a number of times. I have not been required to go to a branch to provide any documentation of proof of address. As far as the bank is concerned, I provided a UK address so they accept me as a client of the bank.
  12. As I said, The bank knows I live in Thailand. Even though I use a UK address. I provided the info they wanted so they would not close my account. It has nothing to do with administrators.
  13. I use Wise but have not been informed of that. So thanks I will check it out.
  14. If you read my first comment after your OP. I stated that I use a UK address. That fact that I don't live at that address and never have seems to be irrelevant to the bank.
  15. a few days ago Farage was asked if he intended to sue the bank and BBC. He said all options were on the table. That same day the bank made an apology and the BBC followed suit. But politically the Which lead to Alison Rose resigning.
  16. That's not the same thing. You won't get any interest payments on savings. They are just a currency transfer service.
  17. Rubbish. I earn an income in the UK. Being able to keep that account is important to me. The bank wanted to know certain information. I provided that info. That is not rolling over. That is protecting myself from having my account closed. But if you want to be at loggerheads with your bank, go for it see how far it gets you!
  18. Because it's irrelevant. Any UK bank can close your account if you don't meet their requirements.
  19. I think you'll find that unless you have a UK address linked to your Bank account. There is no obligation for UK banks to keep your account open. Even then I received a letter from my bank, saying they were aware I was living in Thailand and asking for my tax details here in Thailand. If I was not able to provide those details they would have closed my account.
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