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Everything posted by TimeMachine

  1. I got one quote for retirement 23K. That's about 1000 au dollars. Any recommendation for agent for retirement with a lower fee?
  2. Contact the immigration/tourism minister and state your case and ask if it's normal to be asked for 15k payments. If you get ignored then ask your own countries minister if they can help clear the matter and if they ignore you ask your home country Prime minister if they can do anything and then ask God to help. If God fails to help, that's the end of the line. Try another day with another IO. In the meantime do a border run. Try each day until 2 months is reached. Eventually you will wear fate down to its sole and all will work out. But seriously, I feel for you. One time I had an IO simply tell me to go back to my own country. I felt so sad. Have a great New Year everyone.
  3. Anybody know if Cambodia Inter Tour company are back to doing their border runs for pattaya stayers?
  4. Most of us think how it used to back 10,15 years ago and compare it to the easy got visa for 1 year and no hassles from immigration at all. But now the new generations are being more and more controlled and hindered. I feel sorry for the future generations. It's not gonna be pretty.
  5. Has Cambodia Inter Tour SoiBuaKhao in Pattaya started border runs again? Also, I've seen London and Washington have similar requirements for Visas. But Canberra Australia are still listing COVID insurance requirement for 90 day visa. Are any Aussies getting multiple 90 day without need for Insurance? Cheers all and peace to all good beings.
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