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Everything posted by TimeMachine

  1. You can have a dedicated device such as Echo show 5 sitting in your room. You do need constant internet connection. You don't need to use your phone. I wish it was magically perfect but there are limitations. Btw, you can still flick switches as well. It's just something in the background that allows you to say Alexa lights off when half dead in bed from hangover and can't be bothered walking 10 steps away.
  2. Setup Alexa while you're at it. Control ac tv fan radio lights etc with simple voice commands.
  3. Think he is just agreeing with what we are all saying. There is written rule, there is what actually happens, and there is depends at what time and what person. All good. Have a rippa day all.
  4. Organize your phone to live record to cloud. As far as I'm aware it is not illegal to record for your own welfare in most civil countries but you need to make sure in case of rogue cops simply grabbing your phone and stomping on it. A second spy cam video or audio recorder for those who want to set up a sting. Have a great day all.
  5. What was required to open your account? Which branch? Cheers.
  6. Great one. I do find it weird that delivery of goods works purely on weight and size at a post office but in the interest of offending someone that is thrown out the window at airports.
  7. I think you misunderstood my post and the word "should" that I used. I am finding that we are saying the same thing. What you have found out by doing a particular journey is different from others and the guide written down on paper to be successful at that journey isn't usually followed.
  8. According to Bangkok it should. You can email them to confirm. And if their reply says not then please let me know so I can follow up with bangkok bank headquarters and ask why they are supplying incorrect information.
  9. I tried one branch. Teller asked for 7000 baht accident insurance. I emailed headquarters and they say it's not a requirement. Passport and chanot should do the trick as per their online requirement. I will try other branches. Does seem like the universal applies. Depend who you get and on what day.
  10. I get questioned at Oz departure why I'm carrying so much plastic explosive. It won't be long before it's banned as anything that brings people pleasure is constantly monitored by the power groups. In which case I'll eat 2kilo just before getting on plane and see how they like that clean up in isle 7.
  11. I'm curious, With work permit you should get 5 year when renewing, right everyone? Also, do u need to be in the same area as your usual address when getting a license or could I go to Bangkok from Pattaya to get licence first time?
  12. Lots of improvements to be made. Government could afford it and a new larger location would be great for everyone. And generally, a well run company can be spotted by how it handles a queue. The perfect marker.
  13. I like to undersize a little as I am not hardly switching on an Aircon and don't need super cold. Inverter type a must nowadays they are more affordable. I'd rather choose a smaller btu inverter type than a bigger btu non inverter type. Check out reviews on the models you have your eye on. I chose Hisense recently in Oz and all good after reading a lot of reputable website reviews.
  14. My last recent check suggests what has been said here all round is correct with the proviso that anything can happen. But I'd like to add the immigration app on playstore makes it seem like there can be a successful submission of address notification. But it's just for fun. Still need to do it at immigration in person. Haven't looked at any website version though and if that's acceptable?
  15. In regards to knocking cricket as boring, that's fair enough, so I recommend the game of Aussie Rules Football to you.
  16. I've since contacted Bangkok post online. In their reply, the accident insurance not needed if other usual documents supplied. I'll continue on.. Keep happy and peace to all. bout opening an account, please be informed that you can open a savings account without buying any insurance if you bring all documents required to the branch an account, please be informed that you can open a savings account without buying any nsuace ifyou bring all documents required to the br
  17. Appreciate what you say. Have you any good experiences dealing with authorities? It's all good when you don't need government help. But when you do in Victoria it's <deleted>. Good to hear at least the lucky lot are doing ok. I was without gas connection for 9 months all due to absolute idiocy. I got compensated at the end. But it shows idiots running the show in Victoria.
  18. I have to say I cry over this matter. My Australia that I remember as a child and young adult is gone. Rest in peace old version Australia.
  19. Actually I'm a bit clearer now. Yes that's still a bit to much but a cheap price I've found is 12500 but the initial start retirement is 24k. After that it drops for extensions. Also I went to Bangkok bank today. Previously had an account with them but it got closed because of non use. To reopen they wanted 7k accident insurance. My question is , how does the world banking organisation accept this behaviour? You need an international banking license to trade right? And must follow rules, right? Since when is extortion a rule ?
  20. Copy shop quoted me 33k right next to immigration. Are prices increasing at all from the 1x pricing? Most things going up. BTW did my TM 30 yesterday at Jomtien. Thought I could use the app as when I tried all seem to go through successfully but luckily I checked with them. Can't use the app. Luckily had all the paperwork prepped too. Lady suggested maybe the website works?? It's hard to get through life without these happy confusions.
  21. Any real life experience with owners that have had their EV for more than 5 years and health of batteries and the warranties that come along with them in Thailand?
  22. SOME 110v devices can be opened and the circuit can be modified simply to be 240v. Basically the circuit for 110v uses a voltage doubler design and by switching back to normal bridge rectifier brings it back to 240v compatible. Should be some YouTube vids on the matter.
  23. Of course it was . Show it to any third party and ask them. It's ok to give advice. Don't put people down within your reply.
  24. And good luck to you to the next person you are disrespectful with. Be nice or don't post.
  25. Firstly, how do you know your specialist is a specialist? I'll stick to my own judgements for now thanks. Days of trusting someone with a specialist label are long gone.
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