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Everything posted by EveryG

  1. It doesn't matter how many posts I have- a guy comes on a forum, is upset that people don't agree with him, and "threatens" to leave. This is the definition of a being a snowflake. Don't coddle him.
  2. You still here? As you can see, no one cares. You will not be missed. Now off you go to find an echo chamber that makes you feel all warm and cozy.
  3. I received an email from the embassy. You can call or email and ask about the status, but my guess is that it was "mailed" from the USA to Thailand and the embassy has not yet received/ processed/ sent out to you. The embassy registers the tracking when they get your application and it didn't update for me until 3 days after I received that email.
  4. They won't send any confirmation until it's about to be mailed out to you. They'll send you an email with a tracking number. That email came to me at 5 weeks to the day.
  5. Thank you, the link is a good springboard to ask from.
  6. I don't care what you think. At all. Nothing I said justifies you leaping to that conclusion.
  7. Yes, I have stayed at a few but time to get back to work. I was hoping for something in the city. I thought that was perhaps the case The forest monasteries seem open to letting people stay as long as they want as long as they're being helpful Unfortunately I won't be able to make the daily commute to BKK from Myanmar ????
  8. Has anyone heard about meditation centers or monasteries within Bangkok that will allow lay people to stay on a long-term basis? I'm aware that I could ordain and stay at many temples, but that's not really what I am looking for. I am a committed meditator, but not looking to go full monastic. Any thoughts?
  9. I am shocked about the absolute pervasiveness of it. They couldn't be bigger screw-ups if they tried. Literally every line of their instructions was clarified with a form email, which tells me they have the same problems over and over but don't fix the problem at the source. They kept reminding me that I was dealing with a 3rd world country. They said they wanted a copy of my bank statement, but they later said I need a certified letter from the bank. Then they said I needed to submit all forms together, but then clarified they meant all documents converted and combined in a pdf file. Over and over, answering one "problem" every 24 hours and not continuing review until I fixed the previous day's problem. I've visited dozens of countries and lived in 4. Thai consulate are the most incompetent I have seen. By far.
  10. I never imagined I needed to search beyond the information they provided on their website, which had an entire METV page that does not state any of the above. After the visa was issued, I also found that info, but it never occurred to me to double-check the direct source at other consulates, especially given the detailed information I had provided them gave them numerous opportunities to state the above. The amount of wrong and incomplete information throughout the process was actually quite astonishing..... every step was a problem with them. The website would say "please send a" and when I did, they would write a 3 paragraph email explaining what they actually wanted was not "a", but ABC in 123 format. They only responded once every 24 hours. I wouldn't have even known where to begin to double-check every detail and since every consulate has slightly different rules, I didn't think to compare and contrast what other consulates said. I have since discovered that this specific consulate is notorious- again, only discovered after the fact. I only write these other details for others if they are doing research. Do not assume that the information you are given is correct. Chances are, the people emailing you are incompetent and giving incorrect guidance and instructions. At any rate, thanks for confirming the other bit of info.
  11. The one thing I am not clear about is the "expiry" of the visa. I had assumed that if the visa expires on 30 June, then I must be out of the country by then. From what has been said here, as long as I return by 29 June, I can get 60 more days? And 90 if I apply for an extension? That puts me to Sept 29(ish), which is longer than I was planning on staying anyway. I've been living overseas for over 20 years and never been to a country that lets you stay past the time your visa expires, which is why I am asking to make sure this is indeed the case.
  12. Perhaps it's mentioned in threads, but it's not mentioned on their website nor did they inform me in the 20 emails before they granted me an appointed that I never even requested. So I didn't misunderstand the information they provided, they just assumed they were clear when they absolutely were not.
  13. Besides the poor English on the website, the fact that they issued me a visa for dates that I have absolutely no flights for is quite mind boggling. I assumed that since they required a flight itinerary to be pre-approved, they would require that itinerary prove that I was leaving before the visa expired. I had a ticket leaving 2.5 months later than the validity of the visa they granted me. It's just a ridiculous situation that I couldn't have predicted.
  14. Thanks for the response. So basically, if I arrive March 15, I need to leave within 60 days (or 90 if I get an extension). The visa then expires on June 30, so if I return on June 28, I will be allowed to stay another 60 days (or 90 with an extension)? Then, I assume if I want (need) more time, I can come back without the METV?
  15. I have been planning a trip to Thailand for well over a year. I am a UK citizen with residency in another Asian country, so I emailed the consulate with my plans and they said I qualify to apply for a multiple entry tourist visa. They require first emailing all of the documents to get "pre-approved" and then they sent me a time for an appointment. Mind you, I wrote my intended arrival date in March of 2023 and had all of my hotel itineraries and flights. When I got to the appointment, the lady kept asking me about my ticket asking me if I could change it because it shows me leaving Thailand in September. I told her I was aware that I needed to leave every 60 days because I assumed that's what she was going on about. I paid my money and the next day, a full 2.5 months before I planned to depart, they approved my visa starting from the day I applied. I was livid and confused. First, they said they already asked me if I could change my ticket. Second, they said that it clearly states the validity period on their website. I found the the following sentence: "you must enter Thailand within the validity of visa from the date of issue". They think that means they have clearly stated that the first day of validity is the date upon which the visa is issued. Perhaps not surprisingly, they have said that this is my fault. This is in spite of the fact that my intention was clearly stated on numerous documents that they required I submit for pre-authorization before they gave my an appointment. To be clear, I sent the documents and after 3 attempts at the correct format, they approved them and gave me an appointment. They ignored my email requesting that the visa be changed. Anyone have any recommendation for appealing this? The visa they have given me is COMPLETELY worthless to me as I have already booked arrangements for the time I applied for, not the time they gave me.
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