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Everything posted by EveryG

  1. Thank you for proving my point! There's that ignorance and arrogance I was talking about. Embarrassing.
  2. Every country has ignorant people. But only in American can you find that toxic blend of ignorant and arrogant about their ignorance that is becoming a feature of the culture-that's what Trump has tapped into. I'm so glad I left 20 years ago.
  3. Not drugs- you and they suffer from the same problem, a cult-like ideation of one group that clouds your judgment and makes you incapable of seeing things without the filter of your cult. I may as well be trying to explain to a Mormon that magic underpants....aren't.
  4. Psst, they don't know. Don't drink the coolaid!
  5. There are millions of non-leftists who think Trump is a joke. I'm very sure you are not able to actually engage in a discussion of tariffs because you are too busy putting people in simple categories to make a complicated world simpler for your 7 year old mind.
  6. I don't need to listen to her read the words others have written for her when her own actions say it all!
  7. She obviously hates his guts
  8. I doubt there has ever been a candidate with more disdain for the people who votes for him. The irony is they think they have joined some awesome tribe the way people who watch professional wrestling pick a hero. I can't see the MAGAs who post here, but I have seen the people who scream for Hulk Hogan and think they are part of an awesome movement-MAGA is just that.
  9. Trump has to pay his own wife to appear
  10. He loves the uneducated for a reason. They are pliable and easy to fool.
  11. You don't want to see it. Funny how people these days have everything filtered through their political filters. It was easy for me to see that Biden's cognitive decline was real. I can also see Trump's debilitating narcissism. Hunter Biden was doing bad stuff, Don Jr. is currently doing bad stuff. I'm glad I don't live in your world or the Dem world where reality is no longer accessible.
  12. I'm 99% sure Connor McGregor is taking coke everyday. I'm 99% sure Donald Trump Jr was high on coke during his 2020 convention speech. I am 99% sure he was using coke before several interviews I've seen with him on Fox. I am 70% sure he had not used coke immediately before his 2024 speech. I don't know how often he uses coke now. The fact that you never heard about this shows you live in a bubble. The speculation has been there for YEARS because of numerous instances, only fueled by the secret service finding coke in a White House bathroom next to the oval office. The jokes and news reports about that being his coke went around for months. Politics aside, I hope he gets off the stuff. Maybe try sources other than Fox news?
  13. Yes, but then you missed that big shift in the 1960's where the Dems kicked out all of their racist senators, who became hardcore Republicans, like Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond. They implemented the southern strategy, purposely appealing for the racist vote the Dems stopped trying for by arguing for segregation. That effort was successful, making the Republican party the home for racists up to today.
  14. clown.
  15. I'm a certified addictions counselor and I know what a coke head acts like. People usually go in the bathroom and snort it and some of them forget and the secret service finds it, lol. Judging from the comments on that video, lots of people recognized it IMMEDIATELY. I don't need to wait for a court to convict him of something so obvious lol. Not everything is politics...that dude is definitely high more than not. He wasn't high at the 2024 convention speech. The difference is really obvious to anyone without a bias.
  16. The same way I know Connor McGregor is on coke....I have eyes to see and experience being around people I know are on coke. Once you've seen it, you just know. Just look at the comments on his 2020 convention speech....he was so obviously on coke here:
  17. Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Asperger's. Delusional.
  18. Hunter Biden was a crack head. Donald Trump Jr is a total coke head.
  19. Except that this has been widely reported with details about blowups between him and specific staffers.
  20. If I was ever writing hundreds of posts here per month, I'd off myself.
  21. No, he said he was going to go away unless everyone complied with what he wants. I simply agreed with his decision, even if harshly. These facts make everything else you said irrelevant.
  22. That would be even more pathetic than "threatening" to leave.
  23. You went full circle there, admitting you are wrong. Your analogy is nonsense- he has been in this restaurant for a long time over many meals and suddenly says "I don't like what the other people at other tables are eating". Well, go then. Forums are places for opinions. If you only want to hear certain kinds of opinions, and open forums are so upsetting, then leave. No need for threats, just go.
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