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ignore it

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Everything posted by ignore it

  1. Obviously easy to locate such a rare vehicle, however it's the tracking down a responsible other party and proceed with legal action that's tough.
  2. Somebody should remind the weed shop inspectors that they should not test the goods.
  3. It would be interesting to see where the cases are clustered. Seems there's new covid wave in a country that's providing lots of tourists and up market condo investors.
  4. Nice to see he's stepping out with a US Army chick.
  5. Having successfully addressed government corruption and saved schoolgirls from weed, Big Massage will be turning his power against Win drivers on the pathways, drunk driving, overcharging taxis, and people passing gas on the skytrain.
  6. Whoa, what sub is this? Is it the original sub that they can't deliver with a German engine or another one? If the original sub, its hats off to the Thai navy for implementing the Chinese negotiating strategy of "back to square one"
  7. A couple of comments for anybody that has gotten this far in the thread. 1. Just how often do politicians deliver on their promises? 2. The RTP Extortion Unit is totally for recriminalizing weed. 3. Worst case scenario for me is going back to good old unbranded cheap Thai Brick weed smoked at home as in prior years.
  8. Why they fly to China? They could just go down to their local Chinese cop "cultural and tourist assist centre"
  9. To find Miss Pong they should schedule a shesh with Ferrari Joe!
  10. I've received this similar email for the third time today. I don't have an account with this bank. Any info? From:Barr. NitiPat Lee. Bangkok Bank Thailand. Salutation: Our Bank Today have decided to send your Loan Funds Approved Amount to you directly to your Home address through International Certified Bank Draft or Through International Certified ATM Master Card to enable you start making withdrawals of your Loan Funds from any ATM Machine anywhere you are in the World. Reply now and indicate your seriousness and readiness to receive your loan amount through International Certified Bank Draft or Through International Certified ATM Master Card to enable you start making withdrawals of your Loan Funds right there in your Country. Barr. NitiPat Lee Loan Processing Director: Bangkok Bank Thailand. Whats-app Number:+6692-643-xxxx. I've put it in as phishing with Gmail but how do I let the RTP know about it?
  11. Is 'go fund me' promoting motorcycle adventures in Thailand?
  12. Hey Pard; When your steed is suffering and is a hazzard or in pain with no hope of recovery, it's time to put it down. It's the Cowboy Way.
  13. One should always walk facing traffic. Second road is a one way, at least what's left of it. Must be at least a few meters of sidewalk. By walking facing traffic uou at least get to see the idiot who's going to hit you.
  14. I'm thinking TAT should send their next dog and pony show promoting Chinese tourism to the RTP and Immigration.
  15. Seems big demand for casinos exist in Pattaya. Think of all the charter flights bringing mobs of Indians and others in. The infrastructure is already in place, what with hookers, hotels, drugs, bent cops and politicians on offer.
  16. Pattaya 2d road all Indian restaurants, weed shops occasional 7/11, and massage places. Bless em all.
  17. Not the engine of corruption. It's the grease.
  18. Wow. Insurance. If there were just somewhere that advertised insurance companies where you could get info with just a click. Idiots would have no excuses.
  19. Hmm. So how's the fishing up your way?
  20. I'm betting she'll total out at 10.
  21. Jeeze people, it don't matter. Legalization has just brought commercialization, branding and price inflation. Recriminalization will only kill the pot shops/cafes and advertizing. Weed heads like me will just go back to good old non-organic cheap brick at home. I get too stoned to drive after a joint or a capuchino and cookies stop at a weed cafe anyway.
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