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ignore it

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Everything posted by ignore it

  1. I thought he was pardoned by the outgoing administration? But no worries, The current one will release the files.
  2. A hearty welcome to our new member! The real question is " How was she in bed"
  3. Somebody has some anger issues. On the bright side, in Thailand it was only a choke out thing. It woulda been guns ablazing in some parts of the US and knives out in the UK.
  4. Jeeze, What is this world come to? The guy has only been dead for a couple of days and his fan gets ripped off !!
  5. The ironing board was briefly held for questioning. After it's release it said ""I was just there trying to smooth things over."
  6. Dawn of the drone wars. Ref: Star Trek, TNG S1 E21
  7. Seems like they got ripped off. Current exchange for 7 million Moroccan Didlyums is: $690,000 USD €635,000 EUR £540,000 GBP
  8. Raped 10 of them in court? Like was he a law student?
  9. Never break up a dogfight; you’ll end up getting bitten." (Common wisdom)
  10. Transitioning mice belonging to an out of power political party are currently donning their pink pantsuits, scribbling on their paddles, and planning a cheese boycott.
  11. Suicide. Went on holiday, picked a nice view, thought about mom, had a smoke, listened to some tunes, and did himself in.
  12. I'm thinking foreigner. He took the keys out of his motorcycle.
  13. All this eternal confabbing about submarine that's just going to be docked. They should just take delivery of the hull as is. The admirals can sew a new badge on their uniforms and start dreaming of a new toy, as they do. Then every year on Navy day clean the accumulated trash out of it, scrape the rust off of it add a dob of paint and open it up for the kids to crawl all over it.
  14. Oh well, What are the odds?
  15. No extra charge for snake? Considered a delicacy in Hanoi.
  16. Actually kinda watched some of it. Well skimmed through it in a rapid mini binge watch. I encourage you to do the same. It makes you appreciate the curmudgeonly posts and comments on AN.
  17. Indians love Thailand for its food. And the mangoes are free for the picking.
  18. It's a modern world. Can't do take away Cant do pick up So got to get delivery
  19. When this all gets sorted and they open casinos, if you've got table stakes or min bets, you'll get in.
  20. PROHIBITED This is a reserved activity for Thai people.
  21. It couldn't possibly poorly motivated, poorly paid, inattentive or not enough servers. It's the governments fault!
  22. All this chat about shirts. Maybe An should have a men's fashion forum.
  23. Ah... The rise of Radical Islamic Wokeism. Seems Islamist groups are adopt social justice language and exploiting progressive narratives to gain influence.
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