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Everything posted by SuperSilverHaze

  1. Reinforcement as to why good idea to stay away both places
  2. What do I need for a certificate of residency at CW? Thanks
  3. I didn't mention these although you took the opportunity to point it out. I didn't mention this class of visa because with all of the problems with the Chinese I expect this opportunity to be well shuttered. It's always been an extremely sketchy Visa and no one's done the least bit of studying on it.
  4. Folk have been living in Thailand Yes, and seems not a day I open this site and another half dozen hapless cries of woe, worry and confusion. I really don't see your point Read the dailies I can barely stomach the woke, gay vibe now visiting as infrequently as I do. Some of us don't live our lives for TV nor aspire to have 60b hr jobs modding the board.
  5. I can absolutely see this. Immigration wants to know you are leaving. That is returning to your domicile. The answer isn't... Yeah, when I'm done bumming around Thailand I'm going back to Cambodia and just do it all over again. Maybe a 20 30 something backpacker with few if any Thai stamps but not some 40 something dodgy af dude. Most of this lot their income will be highly suspect. They know all this, there's data to back it up I'd bet. You no longer get to simply exist in Thailand as an accessory to it's underbelly. That's done.
  6. Buy the elite visa, teach perhaps or move on. This isn't twenty years ago - it's practically 2025. Anyone in their 40s and attempting to live here by chance gets exactly what they deserve. Seriously, wake up. The hassles have been firmly in place for well over 15 years. I remember getting hassled over a triple visa with the reason of visiting my gf - both of us were at the Thai embassy in DC. 2011. Serious attitude change, policy change around 2010. Been headaches since.
  7. I think the lesson here as well as in so many similar posts is the days of living in Thailand on TRs and border hopping are pretty much over. Problems go back to 2006 and fall of Taksin. Get a retirement extension, visa. It's only 800k banked.
  8. Oh yes, let TAT know all about it ????????
  9. I've never been less attracted to a group of women in my life. The personalities are grim and outright off-putting.
  10. Just not reasonable, educated people making decisions. The society has progressed as far as it can. All innovation will be imported. Same knee jerk reactions as past three years having learned nothing. No surprise really.
  11. Love Thai beaches and spent months, years camping on the best. Never been farther than Phuket bus station in my 30 years here. Stay well clear of Samui and Pipi as well. The question is why did you go there in the first place lol
  12. So, now actively encouraging people with covid to enter the country. Genius.
  13. I was discussing non drinkers ability to stay clear of drinkers. Haha you misinterpreted my point to prove your bias.
  14. This was not my experience at all. My wife had no history in a bar, she didn't speak English since high school, she was born in Bangkok and to this day is not crazy about western food. University nothing spectacular but she paid it herself. Mediocre yet very fun job paying low 20s, benefits and 3.5 weeks paid holidays. I'd say it's poss6but highly improbable you'll find a rose amongst the weeds in the Thai bar scene. At least the sex should be good
  15. I think the intellectuals in very short supply so I'm going to disagree. Even amongst teachers it's pretty much plod
  16. Someone many years ago told me that bars were the worst place to meet women. I said - wait a minute, I'm a quality person and I go to bars ... I can meet a quality person in a bar. He said - nope, doesn't work that way. Every romance come out of a bar is doomed. In retrospect, he was right. I did not meet my wife in a bar and in fact she's alergic to alcohol
  17. These windups always posters with < 3 posts
  18. Outdoors yes? Outside light growing shorter a signal to the plant to go to seed. Was started much too late. Try again in March.
  19. Spoken like a defensive alcoholic. I am a very moderate drinker yet have no problem wearing the label of "whiskey and beer consumer". Maybe soy guzzlers ought to realize the lack of importance most alcohol consumers place on opinions of those that don't. None. Unlike cigarettes drinking is very easy to stay well clear of and entirely personal choice. Have a lactosoy and a run around the park with your apple watch and trendy water bottle. Worse, get your rental girlfriend to do same. If you want a totally useless beverage that would be tea. How gay, flavored water.
  20. Curious if OP was on a tour or in some runner group especially if largish. Was doing independent runners up to about 2009 and Malaysia many times. Always have the option of returning within minutes or heading on to Penang. In Cambodia no problems back then. At those tiny little border crossings there was nowhere to stay and no roads to go inland into Cambodia so them trying to pull that stunt would be impossible at least back then.
  21. Just enjoy Penang for a few days you're down there anyway sheesh. What's so urgent back in Thailand?
  22. Lol Everything is political with you. No, I imagine being locked up there is very peaceful - probably too much so.
  23. I'm sure prk is peaceful. The people living there might have little inner peace but I'm guessing it's quite tranquil
  24. Greenland gotta be 1. Western rule of law. Probably law is not intrusive as well. 2. Very low population Next guess would be some nation states in South Pacific with tiny population and Bhutan
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