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Everything posted by SuperSilverHaze

  1. As I recall to this day they still cannot state what they money is for. It's insurance (for what, whom??) some nebulous, random fee to help the tourism industry. This is farce bc the country has been in an economic mess for a decade and it was the tourism industry always looked upon as the bright spot that was to prop up the nation in these uncertain times. Mixed messages to this day
  2. Eating at the station... Guess this must be desk jockeys. Then again not surprised to find everyone returning to station for lunch together. Guess I know now best time to rob that bank, drive that truckload of meth into BKK... Lol I'd think there could be a spiff for police out on patrol. Say, 30b pd stipend. Those that eat at the station can bring their own <deleted> food.
  3. How do you know a vegetarian is in the room?? They'll tell you in the first 5 minutes
  4. Many, many years ago I was in Himachal Pradesh. The guest house was full of stoners and outright charas heads. There were also some ridiculous women doing a reiki program. Every night they would come back and be blabbering on about how they are on the program. I was pretty much tired of hearing it after the first half hour let alone after 3 days. Finally, one of the older charas heads got upset with one of the women for her ceaseless babbling about some real stupid stuff. Now, you have to take into account that the stoners sit up on this mountain day in and day out for years and smoke themselves into stupor. The stoners will babble amongst themselves discussing the meaning of life which seem to pass them by because they're 30 40 and 50+ years old. Stoners... Okay, so the senior stoner has had enough he throws his hands up into the air and says the only sane people on this mountain are !!! the stoners!!! You had to have been there obviously but it was absolutely freaking hilarious. The reiki yoga nonsense, mutterings from mad women about a phony and pretentious program that they real paid money for. The med heads, yogi chasers are weirdos.
  5. These PETS should be illegal everywhere Ownership dign of poor breeding (the owner)
  6. Mods can close this circle jerk
  7. I disagree. How do you come up with that?! It's been 4. 7. 11. 17k. Up and down. Do you think the speed test always returns the same number?
  8. Lol, hilarious You've no idea they weren't stopping all and sundry. You are just assuming. When you catch 44 lawbreakers I'd say job well done. Looks like farang are low hanging fruit AND prolly easy marks for a backhander
  9. Love it +3 Same idiots we'll read that smashed up the bike, in hospital, GoFundMe on aseannnow
  10. You friend probably looks that way not by how much he eats but what he eats. Case in point many vegetarian look unhealthy Losing weight isn't easy that's why you shouldn't put it on. When I hit 82kg alarm bells go off and I get my weight down. I'm now 77.5kg. The only way for me to stay this weight is by watching what farang food I eat. Skinny girls are sexy af
  11. The country simply doesn't understand the trajectories of the economy forward, the climate change fanatics.
  12. Indeed I did this calculation many years ago. I realized if I *only* gained a pound every year I would be 15 pounds heavier by 30yo from high school weight. I am now 60 and 15 pounds heavier than HS. One pound a year (half kg) now at sixty one I'd have gained nearly 60lbs or 50kg thereabouts
  13. So, you are directly linking kidney removal and cancer to eating minimally? Lol. Keep fooling yourself
  14. I don't hang out in malls so high speed connectivity in malls is useless to me
  15. Not that simple. We see how fat people eat. I've seen a woman eat an entire cake in ninety minutes. I've seen a guy eat an entire large pizza. My fat boss years ago was choking down pizza so fast that she almost puked. Then she said... Uggh, I think I'm gonna be sick... Seriously, FTW! At work. She was way out of her league in that position. Hired by fat HR woman.
  16. Sorry, no tldr All you need to do to begin losing weight is stop eating bread, dairy and drinking sweet drinks and beer. Cheese can be ok. When you have a choice eat more protein and less carbs. Healthy snacks Count calories
  17. So, you the farang are the arbitrar of Thai law. Interesting...
  18. Except my work place is dead center Bangkok. I can't think of anywhere that should be faster. Due diligence lol. How can you check a sim before you purchase it? Had a lesser package, slower. That sim didn't have the higher end speeds but it never was 7.5-10 mid morning central Bangkok. If you don't see the issue you need your head examined
  19. I'm at work the speed is 11k often. This is not what I purchased.
  20. Because it's illegal? Bet you're one of them
  21. What a laugh. The implication is unless you take needless and dangerous risk for cheap transportation or cheap thrills you're not living life to the fullest. Hogwash
  22. Lol. You serious? Enslaved to? The debt their families created? Their phones? Their lack of education?
  23. Tens of Thousands of others cannot say the same. I have lost three aquaintences. Two people my wife knows since I've been living in Thailand. Really stupid to be blunt.
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