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Everything posted by cmjl

  1. Social media has a lot to answer for RIP young man
  2. Just what's needed,smoke particulates/smog/pollution and the risk of fire spreading,would spraying with Neem oil be a more natural and less hazardous answer
  3. So what is the difference between the documents that D.T had at his home and the ones that were found at the Biden residence which seems to have gone quiet or been swept under the carpet
  4. It takes a brave person to commit suicide,he/she may see no other way out RIP
  5. Bleating 'I can't afford it' seems to have become a way of life for a lot of people in the UK they then expect tax payers to fund them,if you claim 1 benefit the doors open to many more benefits,I,and many others were brought up to 'cut your cloth according to your purse' in other words live within ones means,what were once luxuries are now classed as neccessities I know of 1 retired -at 50 years old-cop who is on a pension of £100,000 a year and a young man who has been with the police for 4 years,he's happy with his pay (not happy with the bureaucracy)and has just bought his first house and he isn't relying on foodbanks
  6. We used to travel in Northern Thailand for a couple of months each year,usually in January and February,after the last time we were there when the pollution was so bad we couldn't breathe properly we aren't in a hurry to go back.
  7. How do 'you' define the bad guys,nobody is going to admit that they are going to misbehave
  8. The hypocrisy of people who are demonstrating for various causes(cults)often beggars belief,they have their rose coloured spectacles on and have 'ticked the box' which seems,in their eyes ,to justify every irresponsible act,reckless prank and malicious vandalism that they get up to,if these people can't see that their actions have consequences they deserve everything that happens to them and if that includes losing their jobs so be it.
  9. I was told that the particulates from petrol vehicles are finer so go further into the lungs than diesel particulates but why just blame diesel vehicles,the whole of Thailand is one huge mass of pollution especially in the North and until those in charge make it their business to enforce burning and emission laws nothing will change.
  10. A biology/artificial insemination lesson! You forgot to add that after sticking his arm up the rectum he would then introduce into the vulva a hollow metal rod with a straw of semen in the end and the tube then covered with a plastic sleeve,the right hand helps guide the rod through the cervix and when it's through the plunger in the tube is pushed in which then sends the semen into the fallopian tubes after which you hope that the animal becomes pregnant - I know,not very satisfying for the female!
  11. There's an old saying 'it's not what you've got it's how you use it'
  12. If you were attacked by a heavy, determined to maul you dog you may have great difficulty reaching for a weapon of any kind
  13. Anyone who trusts the Chinese and their social media platform needs to remove their rose coloured specs and look outside the very narrow box in front of them. Please note: I do my research,can you say the same?
  14. Did I say that? What I said was that most politicians use terminological inexactitudes to suit their own ends and it doesn't matter whether they're Democrats or Republicans in the US (the same thing also applies to the rest of the western world)
  15. There are lies,damn lies and statistics,politicians are trying to tell everyone that crime is down(just like unemployment),if crime isn't reported the numbers go down,numbers are always fiddled to suit the agenda of the ruling party.
  16. As far as I'm aware,the Oct 7th atrocities were the worst massacre of Jews since Hitler's regime,it seems to me that as Hamas have decided that all Jews must die they are in the same bracket as Hitlers lot. Those who are defending Hamas should ask themselves how they would feel if their children had been at that music festival on Oct. 7th and had been raped and mutilated. Having said that 'two wrongs do not make a right' BUT that needs give and take on both sides and at the moment it's not likely to happen.
  17. But who is pulling Biden's strings because you can bet your bottom dollar that Biden is the puppet.
  18. Like most politicians worldwide there are a lot of smoke and mirrors employed in the Biden/Trump fiasco. What is even worse is that,in a country the size of America there is no-one able to put up enough money (or daft enough) to beat two elderly blokes with question marks hanging over their morals.
  19. The grass is (always)greener on the other side of the fence except when you get in the other side you find it isn't,it seems as though the West is on a path of self destruction and I suspect that it won't matter where you try to settle you won't be happy.
  20. It's caused by lack of respect,no pride in the environment and is often but not always caused by the younger generations aided and abetted by their indulgent parents
  21. Not necessarily,they could be footing the bill for his sojourn in Thailand
  22. Only if your foot is in your mouth
  23. The American has presumably flown into Thailand at some point therefore his luggage must have been through at least one lot of scanners so how come,on his way out of Phuket does a scanning machine find one cartridge in his luggage,it doesn't make sense.
  24. I hope she has good travel insurance or the next thing will be the go fund me begging letters
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