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Everything posted by cmjl

  1. I wonder how many cases of supposed covid are actually the result of all the pollution causing inflamed lungs which will then leave the person open to any infections that are around.
  2. It's called trust and naivety on the parents part and grooming on the perps part
  3. I would say this is excellent advice,may I also suggest that if you want to see your next birthday you get advice and change your will ASAP,you may wish to live the rest of your life in 'your' house but I think you probably realise in your mind that this isn't going to happen (unless you happen to have an unfortunate 'accident' in which case the rest of your life won't be very long),good luck and we hope you're still around in a years time for us to wish you a happy 76th birthday.
  4. A Dr friend of mine told me that for some reason castration doesn't seem to work on humans the way it does on animals,possibly because we are supposed to be more intelligent,it seems as though there's only one sure way to 'cure' those sort of 'ideas'.
  5. Guns are like cars,in the wrong hands they become lethal weapons.
  6. We flew into Thailand in mid January on a 30/45 day tourist visa with our return booked for early April with no questions asked at immigration,we flew to Oz mid February on a single ticket(AirAsia-never again) with a visa for Oz,we then booked one way tickets to fly back into Thailand from Sydney in March with Thai Airways,there were no questions asked at the airports.
  7. I don't know what they're whinging at,in the UK the official age for getting your state pension is now 66 and proposed to increase to 67 for those born after April 1960
  8. Animals don't behave in this manner,you'd have been more correct calling him a monster
  9. I knew there was something wrong when I took the photo's - I'm not going back to have another go!
  10. We were very glad we left CMX just after lunch today,the 1st photo was taken coming in to land at CMX on 14th March the 2nd photo was taken today after taking off,the 3rd photo is looking down on the pollution and the 4th one is coming in to land at DMK today,the 5th was taken leaving DMK on the 14th March(as a comparison)..Like nglodnig, I to have been having problems with catarrh for the last week or so,I've also been feeling slightly ill which I suspect is the effects of the smog,we're off back to the problems in the UK next week - but at least we won't have to contend with the awful pollution you have here.
  11. We were supposed to be in Chiang Mai a week ago,got to about 75km away and seeing how bad the smog was we turned round and drove south east to get away from it,we are not looking forward to tomorrow as we have to go to Chiang Mai as we are flying out of CNX on Saturday,I feel so sorry for those people who can't leave.
  12. If you are pleasant and smile at people they will generally smile back. I flew into Bkk,handed my passport to the lady IO,did all the security things I was asked to do and,with a big smile on her face as she then handed me back my passport wished me a Happy Birthday - LOS
  13. Until 'the powers that be' address the overpopulation of the world (and it won't happen because it's not a vote winner) countries will continue in the same old ways,whether so called climate change is man made or not people are wasteful and have been for at least the last 40 years (the throw away mentality),we cannot keep raping the earths resources and not suffer the consequences. Take Thailand for instance,has anyone driven any of the mountain roads in Tak province lately,mile after mile of deforestation(and it won't be the only province that this is happening in-the photo was taken this week on the 1175)to be planted up with short term crops,the forests that have been removed gave us oxygen and soaked up carbon dioxide and were home to many species of flora and fauna,they also stabilised the land,when the rains come there is nothing to stop the erosion of the land then landslips happen accompanied by much hand wringing when those landslips take out houses and families. It was rather ironic driving down the 1175 to see warning signs to beware of elephants when there looked to be maybe 2-3 m of shrubs at the side of the road before the cultivated land started - where are they,as well as all the other displaced insects,birds and animals supposed to live now?
  14. You don't say how much land you are going to build your house on but if it's practical for you I'd go with Crossy's last statement about geese,if you had a small flock including a gander you could eat the surplus eggs (and also have the occasional gosling for dinner!)
  15. There has always been climate change,it's called weather,many moons ago we had an ice age,my theory is that the earth is tilting towards the sun now,once it's passed the tipping point the climate/weather will very slowly start to cool down and we will then have another ice age,we won't be around to prove or disprove my theory but,as Tippaporn writes climate change is very good for the pockets of oligarchs while us poor plebs starve.
  16. Storm this afternoon in Phrao with heavy rain,now a lot cooler,maybe tomorrow the smog won't be so bad.
  17. We flew into Chiang Mai yesterday afternoon (I know,adding to the pollution!),I was rather shocked by the view(or lack of) out of the plane window as we were coming in to land
  18. Thunder,lightening and heavy rain in the early hours, Lat Krabang area,dampened the dust down for a while
  19. The problem with London and it's useless mayor is that he has pedestrianised roads or made them into cycle only routes plus traffic lights everywhere so that traffic can't keep moving which then causes even more pollution,there is also the cost of public transport which, unlike Thailand is extortionate, all of this is made worse by there being too may people.
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