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Everything posted by sidneybear

  1. True, Covid is a huge and highly lucrative industry.
  2. Why single out Covid? Flu can do that. I'll tell you why Covid is special: it has its own marketing department. Add Covid to your regular list of vaccinations if you need to, but there's no need to make a song and dance about it.
  3. That western military equipment isn't doing too well in Ukraine. Thailand would be better off without it.
  4. She can inspect my taxes personally any time she wants.
  5. Britian's main political parties are a uniparty, like two cheeks of the same decrepit arse. There's nobody worth voting for and only a revolution stands a chance of changing the place.
  6. Thailand is a sovereign country. The US has screwed up every foreign policy ininitiative since WW2, leaving nothing but blood, screams and misery in its wake. Thailand should tell the US to mind its own business, like other countries around the world are now doing.
  7. I can't believe this still makes the news. Covid is a cold.
  8. That's a good way of describing it.
  9. A very low simmer. He made Thai citizenship easier to get for starters, and his government turned Thailand into a dope smoker's paradise.
  10. Some of them are, but Thaksin's lot has a long history of shafting farangs. It's makes one wonder why so many deluded farangs support them against the totally benign to expat generals. Funny old world.... I thought that people only sided with governments that hated them in place's like the US and Britain.
  11. I'm in Sydney at the moment, and there is Thai food everywhere. Job done.
  12. It's just like a cold.
  13. Tax laws. Visas more expensive. No more weed. Is anyone missing Prayuth yet? He was the most expat friendly PM Thailand ever had. Thailand survived perfectly well before there were dope shops on every street corner, and will do so again.
  14. 2% is still really low. Businesses lobbying the government for cheap money really don't care about inflation though.
  15. Sooo.... it's much more prudent to get Austrac approval before you go, rather than risk an overzealous official at the border not being satisfied with your (foreign) evidence, and confiscating all your cash. It stands to reason that the best advice is to play it as safe as possible, when 10+ million Baht is involved .... I would, and I'm sure you would too.
  16. OK. So you convert 10M THB to AUD and front up at the border without the prior approval from Austrac. Then what if they don't believe your story or need more proof of where the money came from? They seize it until they're satisfied. You're giving really bad advice, and I doubt you'd take the risk yourself.
  17. You are wrong, because cash over AUD 10k does indeed need approval, because it needs to be declared to Austrac (Australia's anti money laundering agency, not ABF) prior to travel. Travellers must complete a form and provide evidence to show the money comes from a legitimate source. Follow the link in my previous post.
  18. Fractional reserve banking. They create money out of thin air. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fractionalreservebanking.asp A legalised Ponzi scheme 🙂
  19. Taking 10 mil Baht in cash to Australia would need prior approval... https://www.austrac.gov.au/individuals/moving-money-across-international-borders
  20. OP is a parody, having a laugh. What on earth have refugee protests in Australia got to do with Thailand anyway?
  21. Politicians will promise that so they can enjoy the Nut Zero social circuit: private jets to posh destinations, lobster dinners with dignitaries, and all that. Nothing will change.
  22. Me neither. The poster must live in a dodgy area.
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