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Everything posted by sidneybear

  1. Thailand is certainly a dangerous place if you go around upsetting people. The UK is dangerous if you don't though.
  2. Doesn't this kind of thing happen back home mate? I've always felt much safer in Thailand that the west.
  3. Pat krapow with a friend egg certainly is a wonderful dish, but it's hard to rank food as it's simply a matter of personal taste.
  4. Has there always been a law in Thailand that forbids serving alcohol to intoxicated persons? I wasn't aware of it.
  5. That's how it's always been, and I hope it doesn't change.
  6. Places like Australia do just that. A friend of mine with a very fair complexion often gets refused service there, because he goes red after a few beers, and the bar staff think he's drunk. Venues face enormous fines and suspension of their liquor licence for serving people who are intoxicated. It's a shame. Thailand never used to be a nanny state.
  7. Pretty much every country in the world kow tows financially to either China, the US or both. The US is losing ground though - first it sent its industry to China, then its money to buy the things it used to make.
  8. Some people are never happy.
  9. Right. Received wisdom has always told us that water leaving the water works is clean, but the distribution system isn't sealed so contaminants can get in, especially during flooding. Is this still the case though? I don't drink tap water in Thailand myself, but I sometimes wonder.
  10. Right. Crop burning is the main culprit. Stopping farmers from doing it is difficult. Village folk take care of themselves and don't follow government advice or rules.
  11. Lots of posters here use agents for the annual renewal and say that it's really easy. The money saved on western care homes would fund that.
  12. Cans are made of aluminium. One of the most abundant elements on earth.
  13. Travelling is about the journey as well as the destination. There's some beautiful scenery along the Mekhong River.
  14. sidneybear

    Isaan Woman

    It's universal behaviour for women when they've gone off you. Dump her, before she dumps you, and find another one.
  15. Nobody will care about where he prefers to park his pink Mustang. Seriously, these days gays are treated just like anyone else, eating, drinking and socialising with their straight counterparts. It's only the gays who make a huge issue about their sexuality that, oddly enough, are disliked by everyone, including normal gays.
  16. You've mentioned this or that obscure writer on the subject of fascism, so as to appear very learned and wise. Yet you omit obvious contenders like Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and Benito Mussolini. Why is that?
  17. Sure Thailand is gay tolerant. Always has been, which is fine. The foreign rainbow brigade is infiltrated by groomers who push their vile creed onto children and teens though, which is cruel and evil. Let Thailand do what it does, without pushing foul and lefty western rainbow culture. It doesn't belong here. Thailand is gay friendly already.
  18. Go right ahead. Discussing things is the whole point of you being here.
  19. Bring on the next coup to throw out all the so called progressives. Sooner rather than later.
  20. Shouldn't you and Jing just message each other privately? Why do it in public, then tell people who disagree with you to stop commenting. How daft is that?
  21. I'm talking about the subject of the thread: cultural pollution from outside.
  22. If you don't want to debate anything, what on earth are you doing here? Shouting at people not to talk to each other in a discussion group is ironic. You're joking, I suspect.
  23. I'm not against civil rights minorities. I'm against lefty perverts who insist on corrupting the easily corruptable young, while hiding behind rainbow flags and presenting their deluded and degenerate cultural filth as progress. Thailand needs to follow its charming traditions and reject evil outside influences. It's fine as it is.
  24. Explain the meaning of the word, if you can.
  25. The Health Minister said some pretty nasty things, but then he legalised pot to the delight of lots of expat folks, judging from the posters here. Actions speak louder than words, and all that.
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