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Everything posted by sidneybear

  1. Many of your posts have a point, but then you spoil them with infantile gerontophobia. The boomer generation has as much right to post here as you do, and your use of ageist slurs is unnecessary, irrelevant and quite unpleasant. And I'm saying this as a Gen-Xer before you start.
  2. Agreed. Prayuth restored order and preseved Thailand's charming culture by removing the divisive and corrupt Thaksin clan.
  3. The sock puppet needs advice from her ventriloquist daddy.
  4. Agreed that complacency is dangerous, but in the past getting rid of these parties has generally been done incrementally. The powers that be never give up, and always think of new and interesting ways to protect the status quo from these leftie "progressives".
  5. Excellent news. Thailand will remain conservative and keep its traditions and culture intact. To those here who were telling me that this time was somehow different, and that the western backed lefties would rule: You were all wrong, and I'm laughing at you now.
  6. Oh dear, what a gerontophobic post. Quite bigoted, really. You've either changed your tune, or you're uneducated by your own analysis above. A while back, you were confident that Pita would be allowed near the levers of power, and it was I who was telling you it wouldn't happen.
  7. There's nothing new here that we haven't covered in our previous exchange. Enjoy the rest of your day.
  8. You said the above. If not Trump, then whom were you referring too? Why did you bring Americal politics into the discussion in the first place, only to then say that you had no interest in it? "Far right", which conjours up images of violent skinheads among other things, is a smear commonly used by lefties to smear people who are traditional conservatives and who wouldn't hurt a fly. None of the above is going away, fortunately, otherwise Thailand would turn into a version of the ghastly west and lose it's charming culture and traditions. The young, by the way, have no idea what they're talking about, which is why the Senate is there: the word Senate is derived from the Latin word senex or old man, with age comes wisdom, gained from life experience, rightfully conferring veto over immature young folk who just want to tear thing down in the name of their so-called "progress". Thank God for the Thai Senate, and its moderating influence. And while you're on, tell me how the west is "democratic" these days.
  9. Democracy, like that pantomime kakistocracy in the western world?
  10. Ah, that didn't take long: another NYT/CNN desciple who smears everything he doesn't understand - traditional conservatism in this case - as "far right", because he's only capable of seeing things through the lens of Biden vs Trump (both are equally despicable, akin to two cheeks of the same arse, by the way).
  11. People were saying what you're saying nearly two decades ago. PT government won't last because it's run by Thaksin. They'll be thrown out in short order like the last few times, and a proper government will be installed. I can't stop laughing. It's really so funny how you all thought this time was different. It wasn't.
  12. So hilarious, really. All the know-all lefties on this forum were (until recently) crowing about how this time would be different, and that the US stooge Pita would be the next PM. Well, this time isn't different, as I said all along. Thailand is run by mature adults, who look with horror at the degenerate west and have kept Thailand on track, this time by giving those MFP socialists the heave ho. Pheu Thai will be kept under control too, just as they always have been. I can't stop laughing, reading all the frothing lefties here ranting and raving. May the Buddha bless conservative Thailand.
  13. Who didn't see that coming? Only the legions of lefty posters on this forum who insisted that this time was somehow different. I'm glad. Conservatism is what keeps Thailand's charming traditions and culture intact. Some people never learn.
  14. Very true. These people constantly redefine and invent words and phrases to disorient and denounce their opponents. Insist on using plain English, and laugh at them. Their worldview is founded on falsehoods.
  15. Let's all act normal, and see if we can catch each other out.
  16. You might want to publish a phrase book, so that ordinary people can communicate with you without accidentally offending you.
  17. These activists and their unthinking followers talk as if sexual orientation was the only thing that defines a person's identity. In reality, it's just one of a whole bunch of things. Gay people I know want what everyone else wants: a good job, a nice house, a social life, decent friends and family. The ones I know that work hard and are diligent are rewarded in the same manner as their straight counterparts. To define gay people purely by their sexuality, and to label them as victims, would be seen as intensely patronising and insulting to all the gay folk I know.
  18. All the gay people I know don't go on and on about their sexual preferences either. They're all perfectly normal, hardworking, decent people, who I can enjoy a beer and a laugh with.
  19. Cisgender is probably wokery for something that doesn't actually exist, or an everyday thing that can be described using common English. You're right that discrimination exists everywhere though, and that it's an unfortunate fact of life. Woke people who obsess about injustice all day will be telling us that driving licences should be issued to blind people next.
  20. Thailand is very tolerant of LGBTQIA folks. There will always be a tiny minority of activists who kick up a fuss to draw attention to themselves. They should be ignored.
  21. Nobody in their right mind believes a thing the US says anymore, so this won't be believed either.
  22. Not always... sometimes the opposite. https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/mental-health.html
  23. That's an interesting point. Hopefully.... there will not be another covid in our lifetime.
  24. That's an assumption, so it's always good to make sure that people are aware of all the available options. O visas plus re-entry permits (if extended) are more hassle than the elite visa, plus O visa rules can change each year. It all depends how much spare cash the OP has, and how much he values forgetting about visas for the next 20 years.
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