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Everything posted by Saphan

  1. Im still young enough and have the energy.
  2. Of course. 2 or 3 beers a week will do you no harm.
  3. No idea. Never lived in one. People who brag about money on the internet never have any. I know that.
  4. Thais trust Thais more. If you don't know this you aren't paying attention.
  5. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-13/supermarket-food-prices-increase-above-uk-inflation-in-cost-of-living-crisis Might be changing though.
  6. They can't get a good looking one so of course they are miserable.
  7. It is how most Thai people think. If you knew any Thais you would know this. Obviously you don't.
  8. Send me 80,000 baht and I will tell you what to do next.
  9. Always hear them from 20m away. Not knowing what a km is. Why are they still using yards and miles? Still they are mostly more friendly than other farangs.
  10. Pension rates are high for doing nothing. What's the pension for Thais?
  11. This is correct. Your name won't be on birth certificate if not married. Stop paying for 2 months. Let her wake up. Then renegotiate. I would drop the support to 6,000 baht. Tell her you are out of work. Car broke down. Cow is sick. Sheep needs an operation.
  12. Security is good. Top level. Some phones are easier to use. Big screen ones ideal for internet. Computers get more viruses than phones.
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