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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Like Sok San Rd in Siem Reap, where the PoPo recently started tossing out overstayers and meth heads. The worst here is the ketamine. Jeez, zombies or what. And 50 cent beers.
  2. Iran wont be here that long. I give it two weeks before the nuclear places and all IRG facilities are a smoking ruin
  3. Translation: Im a conspiratorial America hater. Thanks for outing by the way.
  4. Ya been up there for years. You bother no one, treat everyone nice, spend money, easily recognizable, Thai wife and kid, you are a rice bowl. Its not that big a place, everyone talks, they know who you are. Rice Bowl. Asians dont break their rice bowl unless they have to. There is something else going on in this story.
  5. Im going to emphasize these words: you're not in your home country, Govern yourselves accordingly.
  6. Where did they get the money? I hope the Thais asked. They might be more than what they say they are.
  7. No, it wont. We rule. But, are you hoping for war, chaos and death in the USA? Could we therefore conclude you are our enemy?
  8. I have no problem with bills and credits and offsets. So it costs $7000 an hour to fly an F16 on a CAP. Thats $61 million a year, just for one plane 24 hours a day, every day. I think thats a fair deal, only one plane. So for the past 20 years thats 1.2 billion. Take your casualties out of that and send us the rest in 24 hours.
  9. Winning. Winning. Winning. Look at the hagfish writhing and spewing on the telly
  10. Are there still Beer Bars down by the Makro?
  11. He knows how deranged the opposition is so he says things to get them in a spittlefrothing frenzy....almost like a hagfish just spewing slime everywhere while flopping and writhing. Come to think of it...that happens here. Post something like "gas prices are down" and the slimy mucous starts flying from the distended mouths.
  12. I got mine in 10ish days in PP but I had to make two trips.. I did not get that card this time, its primarily for going to Mexico or Caribbean and is useless over here. Im not mailing my passport through foreign mail.
  13. That involves too much thinking for the mouth breathers here. They just need to take the RCP average and increase it by 5 or so. Thats realistic
  14. Hillary and Barack never thought that. Reset baby, after the election.
  15. Brilliant Then that. The end is nigh. Consider that to be an endless mock of environmental doom.
  16. Well the girls are older and of lower quantity. What about the ferry to Patts? Wouldnt it be cool if the dude with the micro brain was living in Pattaya?. Even I wont go there.
  17. I use the real clear politcs average and toss out the stupidest results. Like CNN showing Trump underwater by 5 or 10
  18. Honesty?. Like your feeble attempts about your user name?
  19. Then you will have Vance Derangement. VD
  20. You must want a threesome.
  21. Thank you for allowing me to brighten up your day
  22. Oh my. The foregoing philosophical dissertation has changed my life. I must now burst into song, joyous song, the light shining on me, glory, winning, winning O Great Oraaaaaaange, oooooohhhhh Greaaaaaat Orange I mean have we considered that he could be a deity sent to Earth to save us? Or even like a demigod?
  23. Im sure folks found it more interesting thatn your drivel about some unknown French politico. Putin is a scumbag and his country is filled with drooling primitive Asiatic barbarians that live in 3rd world conditions. His nation has been a pest for hundreds of years, they are liars and thieves and untrustworthy. They are nothing more that a two bit gas station and chop shop with encrusted flypaper hanging from the ceiling, a dirty toilet and nukes. I dont believe anyones reasoning. I have my own. Well duh dude I live over here. This probably isnt the place to play holier than thou. And you should learn things like irony. And dont forget the cost of bar fines, lady drinks and short time rooms, so dont think Im being cheap.
  24. Adjudicated rapist? Someone just paid Trump millions for that lie lol Psst..in case you didnt know anyhting, no one cares what Conway says. He acts like a scorned cuck.
  25. Coming from the chief liar and hater on this forum who lacks a grip on reality Here ya go boys (ouch) and girls https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-55893455 https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/never-trump-political-strategist-caught-attempting-to-rape-underage-boy/ https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/12/politics/lincoln-project-john-weaver-allegations/index.html https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/predator-liar-and-abuser-the-lincoln-project-responds-to-allegations-against-co-founder-john-weaver Those are the folks you stand with evidently.
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