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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. If you are going to take or oppose that position, you need to have some knowledge of the area and its history. Here you go, learn something, the maps are excellent https://unchartedterritories.tomaspueyo.com/p/the-ghost-of-polands-past
  2. Collapse? Its a laughingstock. Socialism being flushed down the toilet of history as folks point and giggle. The new response to the things they did and do: "You cant make this up". Then hysterical laughter.
  3. That number is terrible. Should be 100,000 and climbing until my fellow American is released.
  4. Funded by USAID no doubt. I saw the news about that its in my list to read.
  5. Perfect example of the constant lefty babble. Keep going, better than millions in advertising.
  6. No. The technique is to raise a half or quarter truth into a berserk spittlefrothing stream of lying hate invective.
  7. Transgenderism is a mental illness, and once the Socialist group think is eradicated in medicine, Im sure it will be restored to the DSM as a dangerous mental illness. Homosexuality too, although I cant understand why the LGBTFREWQSATYHV++++/--- movement is not celebrating the powerful Homosexuals in our leadership, like that truly swishy Sec of the Treasury. First "Gay" person ever named to that post!
  8. Why even contest facts when you can just flame. Typical.
  9. I love winning. Winning. Winning. Winning.
  10. She couldnt even holster her gun. She acted like she had never held one before.
  11. No, its just fear mongering from the person who holds the records for the most lies, hate and invective on this Forum.
  12. So when you win, you win and now craven, pompadoured, lying, leftist Gavin Newsome, who has never seen a Leftist cause celebre he cant celebrate, has gone on Charlie Kirks podcast (Charlie Kirk, a true fascist Hitlerite) and said that Men playing womens sports is "unfair". https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/gavin-newsom-podcast-charlie-kirk-trans-athletes/ Can you imagine? Gavin Newsome, the Champion of the Downtrodden has tossed trannies under the bus. I havent had time yet to get into the LBGTYDRFTEW+/- reaction. I assume the spittlefrothing that will commence shortly here, as well as the sad and confused emojis, are indicative of the fact that this is a huge blow to the Socialists. Putting aside the fact that lying Gavin is trying to reinvent himself, its soooooooo telling that the Socialists are not only eating each other, but starting to toss aside their foot soldiers, jut like the National Socialists eliminated Roehm and his Homosexual bullies.
  13. Europe is a basket case and thinking folks know it. Moribund economy. Lack of will Internal enemies Socialism Maybe we should offer statehood to some countries.
  14. Well if you cant explain it in the context of your comment, I bet its because you dislike a certain group of people.
  15. Ah yes, the canary sings, but cannot fly.
  16. Caught in a lie and they just spin. Trump is right again. Winners winning. Win win win.
  17. Wow thats deep. Ladies and Gentleman, the highest rated News Network is your enemy. Who is your friend? Rachel and Nicole, who hate dying children?
  18. Bread basket? You mean a pocket to be picked.
  19. Looks like a nice gathering of decent Americans. Thanks for outing.
  20. And how did it come into being?
  21. The Ukraine is not a country and has never been one
  22. Putin's not invading anything anymore. It's like being an old man ina go-go pick the best one cuz you're only getting one shot
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