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Everything posted by ArturGorbachev

  1. Do you take viagra or similar medicine, even if occasionally? If you do this is likely the reason behind your GERD/gastritis.
  2. I think i will get bipolar disorder after reading this thread. The same people say that Russia is almost defeated, no rockets left, the armor is rusted WW2 junk, the solders are untrained drunks, Ukranians are gods of war and exchange 1 their solder to 10 Russian, NATO will steamroll Russia in 2 weeks and only nuclear weapon keeps Russia safe, sanctions are working and Russian ruble will crash soon, all men avoiding draft fleeing to Thailand, etc basically Russia is done. And then i see these posts from the same people, if Ukraine falls it is game over for the West because Putin wont stop and will take Poland, Estonia, Latvia, etc (nobody explains with what and how, just somehow it will happen). So which is it mate, cant you pick a side?
  3. I have long and short explanation what happened. The short one people who wanted the war and people who started the war are not the same. And for the long one, it will like an hour for me to type it out, so just think yourself keeping in mind the short one, like someone said "I am not smart, but I am white boy" and nobody opened my head to check if i had a brain, probably i dont have one, so if a stupid person like me got the understanding, everyone else with a brain also should. And as for other people comments, i tend to ignore ones written in aggressive manner.
  4. I dont see why if someone come and captured the territory, gave people living there citizenship and then started to rebuild what they lost somehow worse then someone came out of nowhere bombed their contry into dust, put a military base near oil fields, put a puppet into government to prevent resistance and then puppet votes in UN how the master tell it but left ordianry people to struggle on their own. And in case Moldova and Georgia, Russia did not capture anything. It just helped people living in the territories to separate from the government they did not want to be with like US helps Kurds, like NATO did into Yugoslavia, like UK did with Folklands, and there are many more examples, nothing out of ordinary.
  5. Most normal massage places change sheets after each client. since everyone trying their best with any kind of skin decease they ever heard of, i would call anal syphilis.
  6. Heads of the state use TV, regular citizens use Reddit, the words they say are the same. It is not like conspiracy theory here, they are really proud of their position. Not sure whats your point. Of course not. If anyone were to judge and build their political position towards a country by amount of military conflicts that country was involved, the #1 most hated pedestal certainly wont belong to Russia.
  7. But they are unfriendly, they are not trying to hide that, always were, invasion just gave them good base to voice and act on their unfriendless in reasonable manner. Who do you think write on reddit and twitter using broken english about bad stalin, GULAG, USSR iron curtain, how they hate russians, etc, mostly people from these countries.
  8. my apologies, indeed he does say what the news reported. I got confused with image they used and date on BBC site for the news illustration, it was from another recent video where he was saying something else. This particular video is not being shared on pro Kremlin resources, shame on them.
  9. It was rhetorical question in sarcastic manner, because well USSR attack Poland 1st and because of this etc, classical whatabout. 1. I dont know this period well, never had enough interest in WW2 2. The western and russian interpretation of what happened in 1939 is different. Everyone is blaming each other. 3. While Hitler attacked Poland 1st in 1939, England and France did not anything to help while they had mutual defense pact. Logically Poland should have problems with all these counties, but somehow it is only USSR (30% of it was Ukranian btw) fault.
  10. I said exactly opposite, Ukraine membership in NATO is 50x more dangerous than say Finland or Estonia.
  11. Estonia and Latvia is tiny countries, without human and natural resources. You need to have 50 counties like that to balance one Ukraine. Same as joining Finland and Sweden, does not really change anything. Defacto they already were in NATO, now it will be deure, therefore mild to none reaction from Kremlin, with turkey it is opposite.
  12. "Cant touch me I am in NATO" is being fully exploited by Poland, Estonia, Latvia. Saying politely their governments act in very provocative manner. As for the rest I will have to go deep into WHATABOUT territory (US terminology for do how we say, not how we do) aka historical examples (everyones else terminology), but dont want to.
  13. If the case means joining NATO grants some kind of immortality or unlimited exit card "Cant touch me I am in NATO and I can do anything i want", i dont think so, it works until the moment it does not, like big fat missile flying in someones direction, there is always a possibility, not like i consider it very big, but i can see it can happen at certain moment to prove a point or like last warning, before lights out.
  14. i am not lying dude, the video is on telegram easy to find, unlike the video BBC reported without any link to actual video. There is article above from UK MOD how russian solders use shovels to fight because lack of ammunition, i mean like really, no shame at all. I am not here to take sides, just pointing out that something is factually incorrect.
  15. Thats funny, i watched this video on which BBC put a link and he said nothing like that, he said actually opposite. It is true there was a complain about ammunition being under supplied but it was couple of weeks ago and certainly not in the video as of 3rd march.
  16. I am not sure what do you mean under " Russia returns to some sort of stable, rational democracy" if you mean the time period 1991-2000, then it was period of absolute poverty, salary and pension delay of up to 9 months was normal, schools without heating was normal, diet consisting of dried noodle and american chicken legs called bush chicken legs was normal, parents working 4 jobs just to put food on table was normal, gangs and drugs everywhere, i am sorry I dont want to return back to this "democracy", and yes, this was the period west loved Russia the most, the generation that lived this time is still relatively young and remembers "the democracy" quite well. Africa also has vast resources with "democracies" and nobody is invading them and look how they live. Children working cocoa plantations for basically food with all the profit going to western corporations so you can have your cheap belgian chocolate. They did not invade them as in military sense, but exploit them to the bone. Replace these people you mentioned with people you want and Russia will become Africa 2.0, not Europe 2.0 as some implying. This war is about many things but certainly not about resources, there are so many resources in Russia there are not enough people to exploit them and wont be enough in any foreseen future, and lunatics writing Putin invaded because he wanted some lithium deposits or some coal or whatever, it is just what they are - lunatics.
  17. Even more funnier due to shortage of ammunition tanks use MPL-50 shovels instead of modern shells, russian army is a joke.
  18. My plot is, Finland joins NATO, nothing happens for long time, then sudden conflict between NATO and Russia, Finland turned to glass as a warning -> piece talks, everyone is well except Finland. This is scenario where not being a NATO member is beneficial. Being in NATO is safe until there is no danger of nuclear war, if there is one to happen you are pretty much gone. Alternative solution is everyone become glass, but least probable. Putin is not into nuclear because there is no reason for it, yet. Only countries that have NW is somewhat safe, other countries regardless to what block they belong are not. The moment being a member of NATO becomes not beneficial for the US aka risk of using NW becomes inevitable followed by destruction of a country they will quit being a NATO partner the same moment. Sorry boys we tried to protect you, but we dont want to die, you are on your own.
  19. I disagree. It can happen if circumstances will make it unavoidable. Example a country that controls land crossing from Belarus to Kalingrad (Latvia? i dont remember which one of them) decide to organize blockade. There is a mutual fear nobody wants provoke each other, because nobody knows what will happen. If a russian rocket hit a city in Latvia for the reason above, will you bet your life that USA and EU will hit russia in return and risk everyone die, or they will roll their eyes and say something that blockade was an idiot move and let it go? I cant say that something will never happen, things change, does not mean anything if something did not happen in past 30 years, 30 years sounds like a lot for a person, but for history it is just a blink of an eye.
  20. 1. There were many ways to avoid this war, being a NATO member is one of them ( ?question mark see #2) 2. Being a NATO member does not make a country magically safe or immortal, while in theory it should and so far it worked, does not mean it will continue to do so in the future. There are plenty of literature in fiction genre where a protagonist somehow get a knowledge of his future misfortune and with his actions trying to avoid it he actually makes it happen. Take a Finland for example, want join NATO to be safe while they were already safe. What will happen if they start put missiles on their land, probably nothing, but in a tiny chance the conflict between NATO and Russia will start and i cant see it happens without nukes flying , Finland will be blown to pieces in 10 minutes after the beginning, was it their goal when they were decide to join, i doubt.
  21. In russian the short name for Svetlana is Sveta, never heard about anyone make it sound as Lana, plus there is also another name Ruslana. I think Lana is just Lana.
  22. Cant wait for The next article where they use makeshift spears from the bones of their fallen comrades
  23. Is it possible to have a chronic dengue?
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