I take it you are able to read? if so the explanations are in my post, to be clear:
1, After US Navy Seals killed Osama bin Laden in a raid on a Pakistani compound on 1 May
2011, President Obama said in his address to the nation, “Justice has been done”.1
The word “justice” was repeated by the US Attorney General, Eric Holder, in his statement to
the US House of Representatives Judiciary Committee: “Osama bin Laden has been brought
to justice”.2
In response to questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee, Holder added
that the killing was “entirely lawful”:
Now I'm no fan of the US justice system, but if you want to argue a case for Bin-Laden be my guest.
2, Bush, I might have to agree with you as long as Blair is included in any legal case, both of them were guilty of crimes against humanity, IMHO.
3, Thatcher, had a legal right to defend British Territory and remove the invading Argentines.