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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Agreed, but then again, he is like a dead parrot, very funny.
  2. You will eventually, just a matter of time.
  3. Beg pardon I thought at first glance it was Buffoon
  4. Not anything like the end of WW2. The Afghans have never been converted to any ideology, except their own since the British Empire tried it, IMHO best left alone, completely different culture. I believe Ukraine voted by a large majority for western style democracy, not the Russian style, so why would they not welcome help to achieve that and not go backwards to Russia.
  5. I have managed to refit some parts after they came apart by using wirewool to get the old glue/cement off the used fittings and renewing the glue/cement to refit, but as has been said for the price of new not worth the bother unless its an emergency.
  6. NATO would need to get it's act together and take Putin on, get rid of the dictator and give the Russian people free democratic elections. BTW Churchill was right at the end of WW11, should have gone through this then, before everyman and his dog got nuclear.
  7. Will I be able to get it on a Red Rover ticket?
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