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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism, except in your world. "Human Beings are dying because of Hamas Terrorists and the IDF and I only have contempt for all the right-wing Zionist supporters who in my opinion are behind all of this." I'm sure Hamas will read it better than you did.
  2. Whoopy do, same do-do different day, enjoy.
  3. You care about Jews where I care about Human Beings, name calling in the grand scheme of things is irrelevant, Human Beings are dying because of Hamas Terrorists and the IDF and I only have contempt for all the right-wing Zionist supporters who in my opinion are behind all of this.
  4. I like you have a fondness for weed and Thai women, you can have the girls. I have been branded an antisemite because I totally disagree with the right-wing agenda of Zionists, I have on numerous occasions condemned the atrocities of both Hamas and the IDF. As for whether I might be fit for the company of normal folk, if you and your ilk are normal folk I'll pass on that, I have the ability to pick my own friends. I have never met Thorgal apart from reading his/her posts on here, I do however agree with the majority of his/her posts.
  5. How magnanimous of you, I'll treasure that remark.
  6. Never denied that they were not committing war crimes by firing rockets indiscriminately into Israel.
  7. Dodgy link, "page unavailable" please fix or delete.
  8. They are not my "buds" and yes they do fire missiles that are indiscriminate, men, women, children and babies die in war, not nice/good but a fact of war. What I was showing in that post was the propellant used in the Qassam rockets, Propellant: Solid fuel (sugar and potassium nitrate mix) Diesel fuel is not used in the rockets, but it is used to generate electricity for everything in the hospitals.
  9. The Qassam rocket is a simple, steel artillery rocket developed and deployed by the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of Hamas. These rockets cannot be fired to target specific military objectives in or near civilian areas, and are "indiscriminate when used against targets in population centers". Wikipedia Length: Qassam 1: 180 cm; Qassam 2: 180 cm; Qassam 3: 220 cm; Qassam 4: 244 cm Operational range: Qassam 1: 5 km; Qassam 2:12 km; Qassam 3: 16 km Produced: 2001–current Propellant: Solid fuel (sugar and potassium nitrate mix) Used by: Palestinian militants Warhead: Explosive material with metal bearing balls; standard explosive material
  10. What has that got to do with "Israel is at war" please stay on topic.
  11. Of course you have a link to a video of me doing that, or are you trying to get your stupidest post count up even higher?
  12. Anti-troll now eh
  13. I think one of the wives asked me what I fancied to eat while I was talking to the Rabbi, he and everybody else saw the funny side of it knowing I was an Atheist, we had had a very interesting talk about religion prior to that.
  14. Yes, I know a Rabbi, but what's that to do with the price of Rabbits.
  15. Funny story, did a lot of business with a couple of brothers who were Orthodox Jews, absolutely fabulous families from Manchester, met their Rabbi as well at a party, never laughed so much over a Bacon Sandwich joke.
  16. Read it yourself.
  17. so I disagree with 80% of Jews who are Zionists according to you, the other 20% are lovely people.
  18. You'll love this one then: https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/10/gaza-hostage-videos-outrage-personal-dignity
  19. Highly suited after Iraq obviously, lol.
  20. Obviously not, did the IDF have a gander at it, I think not, or if they did choose to ignore it.
  21. Here's one for you: https://guide-humanitarian-law.org/content/article/3/civilians/
  22. Great, glad you saw it, opinions suck don't they, but they are just that opinions whether you like them or not, freedom of speech and thought.
  23. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/?s=https%3A%2F%2Fmalcolmnance.substack.com%2Fp%2Fhamas-needs-children-to-die My opinion, suck it up.
  24. Dunno, I only hate Zionists in this world, not Jews
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