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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Title thread is still "ISRAEL IS AT WAR !" has there ever been peace in the region since 1947/48?
  2. Owl don't worry about BarraMarra and company, thinking is only part of there problem.
  3. You will have to give me some time to think about that, let me get back to you.
  4. Who is Thogal, and when did you become a moderator?
  5. OK fine Bkk Brian, we'll call it a day for now, I'm sure I will post something else soon you'll not agree with, but for now see you later.
  6. And that reply "Good for you" was I hoped the end of the matter, but you just have to keep having another go, don't you. If you don't like my posts there is an ignore button I believe, no loss to me.
  7. Yeah I know, trolling now are we, or you just want to rinse and repeat
  8. Hamas terrorists
  9. Good for you.
  10. As I've said before, imho this war has been ongoing since 1948. Try and keep up Bkk Brian.
  11. Well if that's the case Bkk Brian why bring it up in a thread that is titled ISRAEL IS AT WAR !
  12. No, let's go back as far as before civilisation started, whenever that was or has it even started yet. if you wish.
  13. Are you for real "nothing to do with war" of course it is has everything to do with war. I've said before War is war, victors or losers in any conflict past or present have any amount of war crimes that they after the event regret and under the laws of war have been brought up on charges to answer for whatever they had done. Hopefully this will happen when this war is over.
  14. Well that's your opinion, I think you're well aware of mine, you can either like it or lump it. Nothing will ever convince me Israel cannot take no blame in any of this going back to 1948. I have nothing but respect for Jews, Christians, Muslims Buddhists or any other religion you want to mention, everyone has a choice to follow whatever they want to believe religion wise, the fact I personally choose not to follow a religion is my choice. As for what you've spouted on your disagreements, go tell it to someone who cares because I don't.
  15. Hamas Terrorist atrocities caused this part of an ongoing war that's been going on in my opinion since 1948.
  16. My first sentence of my post you are referring to and I quote: "War is terrible, but eventually the perpetrators will be caught and get their just rewards." If you consider the rest of the post as deflection for such horrific rapes, that's your opinion, nothing more, as far as I'm concerned.
  17. Can't quite see how you get to that, but it takes all sorts.
  18. Get it right, perpetrator blaming, you do like deflecting as to who is to blame for all this. The victims will be forever victims no matter what we all think of the situation.
  19. War is terrible, but eventually the perpetrators will be caught and get their just rewards. Things could have been so much better if Israel security had been on the ball looking out for the home grown Terrorists of Palestine rather than watching out for the unrest about Israel's internal politics about Bibi. That and more equal treatment of Palestinians since 2005/6.
  20. Ever heard the saying "thick as a brick"
  21. Whatever
  22. As is this post, an opinion is an opinion.
  23. So, suck it up, my opinion is as valid as yours or anybody else's for that matter.
  24. Have you read the thread title it is "ISRAEL IS AT WAR !"
  25. I'm over 70, been at the university of life long enough to know where I'm coming from, if you and others don't like my opinion tough luck I don't give a flying. You have your thoughts and I'll have mine, I am no Jew hater but Zionism is another thing.
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