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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. been playing violent video games for 40 years... never killed anyone, started a fight for no reason or wanting to re enact anything... pornhub on the other way.... loooooooooooool
  2. darwin award to leave 3 million worth of anything in your car...
  3. seems most of the news here these days are road kill and drownings and shootings and stabbings Imagine some stealthy sick serial killer roaming thailand and using drowning and other stuff to cover up their deeds knowing police love to go back and sit in their airco office as fast as possible labelling it an accident...
  4. safety equipment to prevent a deadly fall, nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, why bother
  5. that must not have been a pretty sight
  6. The driver of the car reportedly fled the scene while clutching a cat ????
  7. so left a 2 year old unattended and tragedy happened...
  8. elite controlling the strength or weakness, when it suits them (import-export or just pure FOREX fraud)
  9. little psychopaths, bully, then politician or army dude
  10. one that turns off your oxygen tank a few times per day when she ask for shopping money but you are stingy ?
  11. thai girls are shallow or only use them to swallow? angrit me good good?
  12. complete waste of money... not theirs, the few tax payers this country has... good investment right... for the happiness of the people...
  13. crazy world, the mental patients has fled the asylum
  14. step one, do not lose the 4 year old out of sight?
  15. my country tax 75% between brother and sister...
  16. boys will be boys... visit from his friends?
  17. imagine you as a tourist, or your non thai kids, paid 10x local price and stepping into that rusty nail
  18. just a misunderstanding, she wanted to teach but cough cough excuses...
  19. blinded by numbers... TAT's magical number generator
  20. influence who? weak minded woke people who need to be told what crap they really have to buy?
  21. people still too dumb to avoid? the only one tuk tuk with no samurai sword or other weapon? forgot at home ?
  22. neither are experts in anything , just appointed by nepotism solar , wind ... maybe good to power the oil pumps turning, that's it...
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