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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. OP is new ghost writer? did he came up that story? can I get a paid copy pasting stuff?
  2. the OP interviewed all the girls he saw or chatgpt or copied some story from somewhere
  3. the dude had a gf but still want a hoe that rushed him leaving him sloppy? what a story
  4. clearly a crime, not a civil matter... but hey cops...rotten to the core
  5. 10 to one, sounds about right
  6. can you be sure anything is organic here where even villa market's expensive organic veggies, had pesticide residues...
  7. many moons ago, we had a maid, worked for us for years... she 40, got pregnant again, at the same time as ... her 16 year old daughter...
  8. hunter made a lot of money for daddy and the rest of the family ... for being on the board of so many companies, like in..... UKRAINE... look it up...
  9. wow she really seem interested in you
  10. disney for adults or pornhub in real life
  11. nice... 27 insurance guys coming to settle it ?
  12. and why he is not 'back' (loooooooooooooooooool) in jail for it... his good friend that allowed him to come back, that is
  13. I wonder, if the win driver had a gun, with the old man approaching with a knife, if he would shoot and kill him , if that was self defense?
  14. in my moo baan, ZERO foreigners own, it is the greed of the agents and thai owners that increase the price of a 15 year old house from 5 to 7.5 million, in average...
  15. if you marry a prostitute, it is a long rental anyway she is not yours, it is only your turn
  16. they can meet at an ufc event, they both go on a regular basis
  17. blame biden, he was in charge, well, of nothing really... sleepy joe just sign things
  18. buddah must have not agreed with cutting that one
  19. 10k? that's what? half a fake damage scam?
  20. 3% difference per ton, 25% increase in the supermarket?
  21. 4 days and crying for mummy... that is a fast, not a hunger strike... police hospital I hope, with free helicopter ride?
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