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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. did anyone recently sent money abroad via the K+ app and encounter any problem or limit or worse, transfer cancelled by bank and costs of exchange charged (1 or 2 times) ? is there a safe limit / amount not to trigger any negative interaction ? did you have to prove source of money sent ? just wondering before I try to sent near their limit stated on the app, aka 100.000 USD
  2. create a company that buys the land and you own 49% ... so doable in theory,no ? 2 thais getting 51%
  3. the horror... how long waiting? I would piss my pants for sure...
  4. 10 years ago, I still could ignore the tinnitus while watching tv not anymore... 24/7 jet engine in both ears, different tone... I never walk alone.... lol and not lol can understand why some people cannot handle and end it... no cure in sight, lots of scammers white , pink, brown noise ? nope, if I leave a fan on , I cannot even fall asleep ah, I got hyperacusis on top of my tinnitus... so when I see some guard and a whistle, I have to cover up my ears like an autistic person... as if the whistle makes the traffic slow better... lol
  5. I changed banks as kasikorn gave 0,05% for my 800k ... I did like someone here said, move 400k to new bank on day 1 so both old and new had 400k, then day 2, move 400k from old to new now hope immigration will not bust my balls extra over this cannot ask for 12 months overview from neither old or new bank but hope 3 months will be enough for new bank statement and bring passbook from old bank, no bank letter from old bank
  6. what about a divorce certificate with my name in Thai language and certified by MFA ? it also has my passport number on the back of the divorce certificate if the case is they want my name in Thai language...
  7. maybe if gold shops start to ask for a gold buying/selling certificate from the person that shows up ... unless they know it is stolen give less money as they are profiting from the theft
  8. adult crime should be adult time, no excuse for age
  9. i guess you must do something for those bottomless loans they get from banks
  10. next time, cuffs in the back? a bit more difficult to open doors
  11. it makes sense for a lot of billionaire politicians getting even more rich...
  12. you confuse a 30 year old lease , pay 1.1% again or a lifetime usufruct, aka, till you die
  13. might get a fine, do you know who I am / know ...
  14. thaksin based emergency, helicopter ride while ambulance is just fine... and who pays for this all?
  15. change the law to the usa... minors do adult crimes and adult time, no excuses
  16. the helicopter ride out of the prison was probably to his penthouse, and nobody can go visit him, because he ain't there...
  17. does the paralegal want you to send the proceeds of the sale onto her account? if you have the FET from incoming funds, would not be too much trouble for sending back out... does Deemoney not have limits per year that you can send out ?
  18. you are unaware that a usufruct holder can make a lease with a 3rd party, for 30 years, that remains valid, also after his demise... the question is... is there a trust-able person he knows...
  19. if you can be a queen in your own region... influential and all, or just one more voiceless female in the bunch of pigs
  20. now imagine that somebody had put options on a certain stock market and profited from this miraculous news of unlimited lithium
  21. if general somchai wants to make another billion baht, thailand pretends it cannot salvage, but sells the ship wreck to china... (if it sank at all....)
  22. the government has an easy solution, double again the safe limits, thailand special, they are already double above the limit for the rest of the world...
  23. maybe only give student loans for jobs with a future, not for arts, or other woke stuff studies, that can pay back the loan ? if they don't pay back the loan, can they not impound whatever they have? car? condo ?
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