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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. rubber plantation, so people have machetes and not one dare to just cut off the head?
  2. so his friend just stood there and did nothing to help?
  3. will the 1750 come out of the pay of the poor pump attendant?
  4. did all that pass immigration check when he arrived?
  5. wow a wheelie, sur thais never done that he can blame the accelerator was stuck and brake failure
  6. decades ago the left was 'for the people' , not the left politicians only there to enrich themselves, they never have to live like 'the people' and get filthy rich with bribes and insider information (pelosi) and all the crap that is passed in congress, so easy to buy a few politicians, it is SAFE AND EFFECTIVE
  7. you know or may not know, that most people in the world have H. pylori it depends if one is on stomach acid killing pills, for acid reflux, which is, a lack of acid, not too much, food fermenting instead of passing (lack of digestive acid) and that one could use mastic gum to try to fix the problem instead of a heavy mix of 3 antibiotics... but whatever
  8. a senile old man did enough damage and was the laughing stock of the world for 4 years
  9. I am surprised that almost everyday I have to go refill my 6L bottle at the 1 baht machine... so I pee like a race horse during the day
  10. why the sudden 'urge' ...
  11. nice police, to bring him back to his room initially instead of arresting him, pffff, (paper)work
  12. usually thousands of bahts? not for thais
  13. reputable? they are all 'bought/captured' and live by expensive reprints for big pharma...
  14. they can always forfeit ... and bring it in the news of unfair sportsMANship
  15. they wanted them, they got them now complain? is there a train yet to patts?
  16. better invest in a bolt cutter or finding a thai renting one
  17. don't buy your condo, rent it... cook yourself, most meals, no alcohol and whores, no startbucks (20 baht 7/11) or instant coffee at home
  18. in a few year, the locals might say, if only we never removed assad... same as hussain and khadaffi
  19. 16-18, they could beat up an adult, if they are not sissy boys...
  20. I hope dinner is served...but thais, will just release it and become someone else problem , hence, come back and get paid again
  21. happy ending after all...no need to waste jail, food, lawyers, ...
  22. why not shoot his cheating wife? she will not be free of him while he hopefully rots in jail
  23. bring an axe to school day? is he in jail now?
  24. safety swimming zone? not victim blaming but as I know of thai jet ski maffia scammers, would never rent one
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