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Everything posted by bignok

  1. Well it should be sorted. Economy going up or down 1% doesnt help some homeless person.
  2. So basically just numbers averaged in a spreadsheet. Unless you lose your job means nothing.
  3. So what does that mean? Just averages. Means little really. If people are 1% worse off they are still people off than 90% of people.
  4. The official measure is 2 consecutive quarters but it's nothing really. Just media spin.
  5. The great depression lasted 6 years. People worrying about some mild recession gee. The internet age sets people off into negative thoughts over nothing. Do you have a roof over your head? Food to eat? Money and passport? Then you are not bad off.
  6. The economy isnt bad unless you think it's bad. You choose to be negative or positive. As I said lots of people get rich in recessions. A recession is only 2 quarters of negative gdp growth which is nothing really.
  7. Top 20 on happiness index. Really though individuals have to find happiness themselves. Also find meaning in life. Nobody will save you. You can only save yourself. There is a buddhist saying - if you cannot be happy with a little then you cannot be happy with a lot.
  8. bignok


    Big list! Thanks. Google maps shows them. Was looking for local tips.
  9. Is the average UK person better off than the average Thai person?
  10. "The IMF's resources mainly come from the money that countries pay as their capital subscription (quotas) when they become members. Each member of the IMF is assigned a quota, based broadly on its relative position in the world economy. Countries can then borrow from this pool when they fall into financial difficulty." So the Bank of England was just using UK funds. https://www.imf.org/en/About#:~:text=The IMF's resources mainly come,they fall into financial difficulty.
  11. Maybe why they were formed. To bail out countries. Stabalise the world economy to stop depressions like 1929 to 1935.
  12. I disagree. 1 football match is nothing much. 30 years of forecasts is a lot. You aren't comparing like for like. If Liverpool had 30 poor years would you say they had a good record? No. Anyway happy Songkran.
  13. Which is not related to future economy.
  14. That makes no sense. The track record isnt measured over 1 match or 1 quarter.
  15. Given their poor track record on forecasts I don't place any faith in their educated guesses and neither does any economist I know. https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Security-Watch/Backchannels/2013/0606/IMF-admits-it-got-Greece-wrong.-What-does-it-get-right (Better off doing your own forecasts)
  16. We will be. Life has always be challenging. Life was simple before. Now we have 100 options. A simple life is best I believe.
  17. No need. Just look at their track record.
  18. bignok


    Looking at 3 nights in Buriram. Any tips on restaurants or things to do beside Phanom Rung. With gf so not looking at girly bars. Live music be cool though.
  19. And the assumptions can be picked apart.
  20. Looks good time to buy assets. Buy low sell high the old cliche.
  21. The UK is doing better than many countries and forecasts are guesses. Just fancy ones with spreadsheets. Some people get rich in recessions so forecasts don't really matter if you do your own thing.
  22. How can it be most likely if forecasts are most often wrong? It is their educated guess on what they think is most likely, not actual most likely. Just a educated guess based on spreadsheet forecasts. One forecast on top of other forecasts. Nothing factual about forecasts.
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