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Everything posted by bignok

  1. Which nurses are homeless? I know nurses, they do well.
  2. Easy in Chiang Mai. Get one in 5 to 8 minutes.
  3. https://world.time.com/2013/09/13/hangover-from-hell-hundreds-of-westerners-living-on-the-streets-of-thailand/ 30,000 in Thailand. https://www.bigissue.com/news/housing/how-many-people-are-homeless-in-the-uk-and-what-can-you-do-about-it/ 271,000 in the UK.
  4. Do you know a visa agent in Chiang Mai?
  5. Never heard of most of them.
  6. After election might go back 45 days.
  7. Uber was illegal in many countries early days.
  8. Used Bolt no problems. Was very cheap.
  9. So you don't care about these people. That's what I thought.
  10. Best to use Bolt. Fixed price no scams. It is so cheap you can add a tip on if you want. Lot cheaper than Grab.
  11. Because I have spoken to these people. Also had friends work them. No assumptions at all. They work long hours for not much. If the business goes well they can sell it after years of hard work. If not they are worse off than ordinary workers. I'm amazed you don't know anything about micro businesses. Try talking to them.
  12. Which nurses? What are you talking about?
  13. Been safe for 13 years no programs. I get warnings all the time, all fake warnings about threats. None of them real. Do an internet search on the value of security programs. Some even do more harm than good.
  14. A lot of these warnings are spam. They want you to download programs. I don't use any of these security programs. They don't do anything.
  15. Homeless people have existed since forever. They cannot afford to feed themselves. Given you are on the internet you are ok too.
  16. The area near Nakhon Si Thammarat looks good to me from Jan to May, Chiang Mai from June to Dec.
  17. Send them to the south if you are north or vice versa.
  18. The past doesn't exist anymore so regretting the past is like regretting a ghost so it's not healthy. It might be common but of no value.
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