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Everything posted by Menken

  1. Just as a follow up as there is activity on this thread. Why are the subforum shown in such tiny font size? The entire layout including the side pop out needs total rethink
  2. Bangkok shops selling decent weed under b300-50g? Anyone? I'm seeing it but it's often b250-300 but buds not dense, lots of LQ popcorn.
  3. Walensky ugh. Guess she needed a free all expenses paid holiday. I fear for Thailand. These people are monsters USA is finished here, Biden admin just too stupid to realize. This is the Hail Mary pass - guarantee talks focused on incentives and money ++ big pharma.
  4. Why would Thailand do that? I think the only insurance taken is Thai insurance. Doubt any foreign insurance accepted for payment and you walk out the door without payment being fully processed. I'm guessing it's more Medicare worrying about fraud than anything else. Imagine the fraud!! Lol. No county outside Philippines (Tricare) processes US healthcare I'm aware of This isn't Murika
  5. I'm looking for a pair of glasses identical to these more or less (with hinge) in Bangkok THAT DO NOT COST 10K FOR FRAMES. Looked everywhere for years. Just happened to stumble on these a few years back. Shop had no more. Thank you all
  6. My back went out during covid due to sitting in bad chairs for prolonged period of time. I put off going to the doctor because I didn't want surgery and didn't believe that they could do much of anything. Now to the point where I don't think it's stretching while it helps will ever cure the problem. I want my health and mobility back. Anyone can recommend a proper doctor for this? In the final analysis can anything be done? Anyone greatly improve their back problems with stretching, crunches and other exercises?
  7. Many sub forums are impossible to locate such as American and Health forums. This site is a mess to navigate The yellow pop up is annoying af
  8. A quick question When a Thai who is married to a foreigner purchases property the foreigner must renounce ownership and claims. That is correct? What about usafrect or more of interest to me is that how is it viewed as a comon asset divisible equally upon divorce if the farang has signed away??? I was under impression all assets acquired during marriage split equally Thank you
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