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Everything posted by Menken

  1. Not true. These jobs are for working class Thai Chinese. They probably use family, friends as much as possible. I'm speaking of the tour company not the Chinese company in China or any agragator The ones that learn Chinese in good BKK public schools will be doing far more impressive things than tour guide for zero dollar tourists. A student grad from top 5 HS into top 5 uni is looking at luxury hotels, restaurants and work abroad. Every year I'd say a few of my students are HSK5, many hit 3-4 and every other year a 6. All those 4+ probably come from Thai-Chinese homes where the language gave them a head start early. HSK3 pretty strong Chinese. HSK6 = free ride at Bejing University
  2. This is a <deleted> deal for the Thais. Scores, legions of Thais are fluent in Mandarin and perhaps even a few dialects.
  3. Correct, it is the full megaphone for all news media, political hacks and assorted other morons.
  4. I'm confused. My remarks on what I'd seen over an hour of TikTok was the dearth of women with penises.
  5. I'll have a look. Thanks there.
  6. I didn't really read your screed. All I'm pointing out as someone who has been to Russia and has Russian friends and back university my best friend parents of Russian immigrants - they have issues with East Asians dating back centuries. Generally speaking most Russians do not find Asian women with or without penises attractive. They prefer the blonde bombshell types as most of the world. So, your observation is weak at best.
  7. ??? The women pictured are beautiful. Thai women in every way 1000x more soft than western women - especially women with penises Are they the most beautiful (most) in Thailand and Bangkok? Hell, no. That's because there are many far more beautiful women that are engaged and productive lives and not obsessed with being anointed *most beautiful* by committee. Pagents are a hassle reserved for usually professional models and the most vain. Let them enjoy it!! The more beautiful women without penises in the world the better!
  8. Hah, hardly Twitter files demonstrates this to be factually and entirely incorrect
  9. Russians are not keen on Asians. There is a historical, cultural and racial bias. Your observation is meaningless. Russians are not in cheap beer bar drooling over chunky, dark Issan mom's 35+. Well, me neither
  10. This is why you don't move to wife's village. Been said 1000 times. Good luck and while I agree with most posts I think Sheryl has made excellent counter points.
  11. You're not incorrect but so shallow. You live under a military government, hundreds up on extremely frivolous and fraudulent political charges. This is routine. Corruption amongst the cops, army, pols is rife. Yet, here YOU are.
  12. This is the point of my post. This cultural phenom demonstrates it. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig
  13. No, I'm just saying that I loaded up TikTok lite to see what it's all about. Lots of pretty girls and women without penises dancing about. What I noticed after 30 minutes was that there were no women with penises dancing with them together or even as their own tranny group/s. Conspicuously absent. Not entirely void, there was the odd dancing-tranny but as a rule women with penises much like men with penises seem to not be very keen on synchronized dancing. That's all. Any similarity between the two is just superficial, cosmetic
  14. Hardly. This is all computerized and probably has been for 15 years. On the other hand, looking at daily stories of southern border maybe not 555
  15. This is becoming a bit more clear. So, let's say the Thai spouse has established citizenship and worked for three years. She is entitled to medicare, death benefit. The death benefit (mine) is quite large at her FRA. The spousal benefit is different. This will give the spouse that has otherwise not qualified due to lack of time/credits a SSA pension. The amount is 50% of my pension minus some additional math coming out to roughly 37% percent of ??? the pension I'm drawing. She could potentially take this before FRA as well for reduced benefit. Do I understand this correctly?
  16. Thx. How does one certify their passport copy?
  17. Oh this is excellent, thank you so much.
  18. Haha I've been in every glasses shop, every mall from Central Pohan Yotin to Terminal 21 then along Sukhumvhit heading towards Bumrungrad. Going the other direction I know there are two or three shops and some of them are quite good but also expensive around Thong Lo. Looked Siam Square, Discovery and MBK oh, and Central Ratchadamri Zen There are decent frames I find in rare moments but the price tag is 15-20k before '50% off'
  19. These are best looking and fit I'm finding but 8+10k frames only The ones I have which are titanium and I'm perfectly okay with cost 3k all in
  20. Thanks good to know. I'm really reticent about meds in general. A bit shocked to learn that Ibuprofen could be a problem. I thought my friend was referring to the Diclofenac he was probably referring to both but I just couldn't get my head around such a widely used medicine as being problematic.
  21. I've spent decades on boats here it's safer than you'd think for the better operators. Of course, it's Thailand so there's just monkey business everywhere and that makes things unsafe. Only four passengers? What size was the boat?
  22. I'm not in great shape but certainly not heavy. 183 78.5kg Pretty neglegent about caring for my back I guess. I've been healthy all my life expect it to pop back. Pilates 555
  23. Currently Vibharam, Hua Mak ARL Ok, so wow. Ibuprofen is sold practically by the case at Costco in US. That's too bad. I don't want to touch tramadol although I've had a few spasm attacks. I don't really have bed pain it's moving about. I try to exercise every day but busy and lazy. Thanks for the advice
  24. Strong waves There are absolutely no waves in the picture. Pattaya is a bay! In a gulf!! There are no waves. This person couldn't swim and this article is factually incorrect.
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