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Everything posted by Menken

  1. Such a non-story. A bit of drunkenness on holiday and attendant issues that follow Stop complaining Thailand or just stop accepting the tourists Thailand encourages the behavior in/directly
  2. I never recall fluency being an issue. The jobs are just stolen to keep control and money tight. Many students in better BKK HS graduate with reasonable skills in English, Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean even German. The problem is this students have bigger dreams than working as tour guides.
  3. I do. Don't come to Thailand for money. I graduated from a well known, somewhat famous university. Only one person (another teacher) said oh wow impressive. No Thai employer ever mentioned. They have been quite impressed by my Thai employment record though. What did you plan to do with a "PhD in Marketing" anyway. Sounds like total overkill. K12 is in full gear for hiring, university a few months ahead. I doubt anyone would pay you more than standard salary at any K12 bc your degree is not Education, English or liberal arts unless they are hiring business teacher Have you been looking yourself? The outcome of your search? Lots of uni jobs ebb and flow out of Rangsit. Teach in those OTHER countries ???????? ????
  4. The women on beach road have substance issues, sick, too irresponsible even for bar work, a bit mad, new in town and desperate for cash. Finally, the rare one that is perhaps only a few of those and actually attractive. These are the mercenaries. They'll do as many punters as they can. Typhoid Mary's no doubt Self respecting, full time prostitutes do not go to beach road. So, that's the level of individual you're doing with there the quality of individual you are dealing with there So a friend told me
  5. For notes to really be special and valuable they must be as close to perfect / uncirculated as possible. It's amazing the tiny issues really devalues the bill. Those b20 notes are not going to be worth much bc of wear. A clean soft crease will take otherwise uncirculated note down markedly. I have lots of old notes and rare notes from Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao, Burma, Colonial Burma and India, India, Pakistan. 1930-1980 US coins collectable as well. Lots of silver, proofs, toned coins 105oz Mexican silver (not in Thailand) Totally Random
  6. So, you date these women, have sex with them no obligation, money. Fk and forget right?? They must be all over you hdndsum man Usually these dater types lead the women on believing some sort of relationship... Lots of promises then they dump em. Nothing wrong with paying a woman it's better than leading a life full of lies. You don't need to pay bf if you live in Pattaya. Start a list of women that will visit before work. Bang them when they're clean with their makeup fresh.
  7. Population is peaking 9B and will decline back to less than where we are now. My guess is fertility rates in N. America, EU and East Asia are plummeting. Many countries already offer substantial tax benefits for having children.
  8. At the time BA top 70 US university, grad diploma Education, US teriary license, Full Thai credential. Two years EFL language school Korea, Seven years top five BKK secondaries. Some impressive activities and student support. Four years technical trainer and software support. Actually, it might have been 27k. The interviewer said they might be ab6to get me to something like 55k by combining two positions. Lol, pass. I will say I know a teacher there qualified, published. He's making serious money, even has staff but I imagine half his job tedious editing papers and theses Best money is in private secondaries. No idea why people here are driven to teach university unless it's just shorter hours. It doesn't pay well and usually comes with free sidework which is often as many or more hours than classroom. I more or less turned down that Chula job bc I wasn't going to drop to 57k and maybe be able to get to 100 in four years. I was making decent money and easy gig. Potentially lose 150-300k over a few years.
  9. Should fossil fuel companies face homicide charges for their contributions to climate change? No. This is an insanely stupid woke question Are you an accessory to the murder as you indirectly consume the fuel, petrochemicals and plastics? This sub forum is already off in a very bad direction Euronews Green. What a laff. Aseannnow spent two years deleting quality sourced material bc it did not follow woke narrative. Then this gem. Agenda much?
  10. Do you support "15 minute cities" in order to save the planet from man-made global warming? No
  11. Sorry, if it's Millennium Falcon it's running on kerosene.
  12. Multiple copies of map After the IO went through all of the papers I was handed the pile back and asked to make photocopies of what remained and that immigration would keep. I would include a copy of TM30.
  13. Only the top three. I was only offered 25k for a boatload of work+ 12 hours contact at a 'central BKK university' five years or so ago
  14. I really don't see that degree as especially marketable. In fact, I find it totally odd. A PhD in Marketing. Provincial college universities about 20k Bangkok university not top three 25k Both of these are for 12 to 15 hours I'm guessing. Top three universities depending on hours 30-105k. The top end of this might take you three or four years to acquire the classes. It's also possible that other teachers not stepping aside and you never do Chula offered me 57k I think for 12 hours. As each course and set of contact hours were added I would be bonus stop I believe it was about 15,000. As I recall the top salary for four courses was a bit over 100k. My resume is pretty impressive but I only have a postgraduate diploma in education.
  15. He's not incorrect just not correct. Often times teachers hired later in year given their wages (35k) they will never hit the tax liability limit. My wife makes about 260k per year in her office job plus huge benefit package. She pays no taxes
  16. You're entitled to the plans but why don't you just measure the box and be done with it. Probably in the time that you put up the thread and answer all the queries it could have been done already. Just a thought
  17. This is exactly what my landlord (apt) did. B300 said it was for lift which would break often down for a few days even not so rare occasions. I think they were on many months doing better then with the old rate It took 1.5 years due to complications but we're gone.
  18. I am not laughing at someone's death but this looks interesting to say the least
  19. I guess chemo does work for a few. Every person that I know that had gone through chemotherapy has died. Obviously there's more to the mix than simply chemotherapy = doesn't work. But imo it doesn't work for patients. It worked for the doctors, the hospital but not the patient
  20. No way a bank will open an account on a drs license here. They don't even like opening accounts without work permits. Having said that I've withdrawn 100,000 or more with only my driver's license. This anecdote is entirely different than getting stopped by a cop that wants to see ID Everyone keeps thinking that it just simply a minor brush with the law and the experience might be. But what if you are indirectly involved in something quite serious. Cops are not going to be happy with your driver's license very possibly on some address where you don't even live anymore.
  21. Pink cards, yellow book (is this farang = of blue housebook? If so that would be required apologies if so) definitely not on the list of required documents absolutely positively. Having said that to satisfy the immigration officer they have the right to request additional documentation. I'm not stating that they didn't ask for it or don't require it I'm just stating that it is not part of the standard set of required documents for an extension. Thousands if not tens of thousands of people extend their visas without these documents. I suspect that you had provided these and now they want them so that's on you
  22. Lol. This is just lazy and trying to poke your finger in my eye. You have access to the internet go have a look yourself. Link to law that says drivers license is acceptable ID. Would a bank open an account on your license?
  23. I find the safe thing overkill and a bit hilarious. I'm certain if we explore the law for farang the law will not say ID but passport. In the end it's not even about what the law states it's about what the cop wants. If a Thai produced I driver's license and told the police that they kept their ID card at home you think that would fly?
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